This.. Is... Beautiful..

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~ Rylie's POV ~

"Nash.. Where are we going??"

"Babe just calm down come on it's gonna be fun I promise"

I sat back in my chair and looked out the window. I could hear Mack trying to find out where we're going. Give it up Mack.. They won't tell us...

We both look out the window. I see....a lake? Were at a lake? Watdafaqu?!

"Nash...what are we doing?" I ask him.

"We're going somewhere as beautiful as you...girls, sorry, forgot they were here." He says. We both laugh. I snuggle into his shoulder. I couldn't help but smile, I'm with the people I love, going to a beautiful place, and was about to do something amazing. Life is great. I couldn't believe how much I used to wish that this boy was mine, and finally, he is. He stuck with me through thick and thin, long and short, love and loss. This boy really loves me....and I'm proud to say I love him too...

Mack's POV*
"Humph" I....mutter.
(idk what it's called, but it's when girls give u silent treatment and make it obvious by making that noise. A/N).

Cam wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me on his lap.

"Babe..." He whispers in my ear, which tickles a lot. I want to turn around and kiss him right there, because of all we've been through in the pays few months, but I don't. I can't give in that easily. He won't tell me were we're going. I know that sounds childish, but it hate when I don't know where I'm going. It makes me feel, unsafe. Vulnerable. But the thing is, I wasn't really mad that Cam wasn't telling me where we were going, I just wanted to see if he really loved me. With him, I felt safe, this was just a test to make sure he loved me.

"Babe...please talk to me...." He begs.

"Will you tell me where we're going?" I ask.

"No,.." He kisses my neck, just above my shoulder, than leaves a trail of kisses until he gets to my ear.

"But I promise you, it's nothing bad, I'll never make you go through anything bad, I love you. Please trust me on this?" He whispers to me. I turn around kiss the edge of his lips, but not on his lips fully.

"Fine, I trust you, but only because I feel completely safe with you...which is surprising." I say to him, teasing him. He puts his hand on his chest, acting completely hurt.

"Why? Why wouldn't you feel safe with me?" He asks. I know he means it jokingly, but by the end of the question, I can tell he meant it for real.

"Cam, I was always taught to keep my heart locked away. To be cautious with who I share it with. To always keep one foot on the ground. You've seen my past, now hurt I've been. I don't want to trust people, it took me forever to trust Rylie, and when I just handed my heart over to you and it got broken that day we first met, I felt so, so stupid, because I told myself I wouldn't ever give a boy my heart, and here I just handed it to you, open palms. I thought I would be at least a little cautious, but when it comes to you Cam, I feel like I'm safe, safe as I will ever be. I love you Cameron Alexander Dallas." I say. I got that off my chest, and it feels great. I love him.

"Mackensi Marie Stars, I love you, and I don't care about your past, because we're here now, and your my present. We are finally where were all supposed to be, because fate is fate, and your mine, I'm yours, and that's who it's supposed to be. I will always protect you. I will always be here for you. I will always love you, because that's how it's supposed to be. I love you Mackensi Marie Stars, and I'm happy to call you mine," he wipes the tear that escaped from my eye, whoops.

"And now, it's time to forget all the past shit and let's to have fun!" He yells. We both burst out laughing, than I noticed that Nash and Rylie were getting out. Cam took my hand and pulled me out. Cam put his hands over my eyes and I knew Nash did the same, because I heard Rylie squeal. Haha. They walked us down a path, in sand.

"On three you can open your eyes." Cam and Nash say in sync.

"One," Nash says.

"Two," Cam says. Tease.

"Three!" Me and Rylie scream. We open our eyes and see blankets laid out before us. We sat down. I looked at the sky. There were billions of them. I was amazed.

"" I stutter. I snuggle into Cam, who laid next to me.

"But not as beautiful as you...." He whispers to me. This night couldn't get any better.


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