Then It's Not The End

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Play Never Be Alone by Shawn Mendes now

~ Nash's POV ~

We got in our car and began to drive to the house. I know Cameron wouldn't hurt a girl, especially if she ment so much to him, that's why I got so mad at him. I've known Cameron for awhile now and if he really did do this I have no idea why he would. He isn't like this and I guess we should have known that, but that doesn't change what he did, it was still wrong, he still should have told Mack and that girl what was going on. Mack could now be trying to kill herself because Cam panicked. Yes, he's my best friend, and I understand his decision, I'm not totally passed at him like Ry is, but I'm still disappointed, why didn't he just come out and tell everyone his problem, instead of doing this?


We finally got to the house. We got in inside and everyone was confused.

"Where the hell are they??" Cameron yells,

"Next door." Everyone said

We were walking out before Kian stopped us.

"Yo dude what happened?"

"Kian we don't really have time to explain but we'll let you know in awhile, just make sure no one comes next door."

He nodded then we left next store.We got inside and I heard Rylie crying. I ran upstairs and saw her crying into Shawn's arms. I saw Mack. She looked hurt, In pain, and.. Not like herself. Laying on the bed, scrunched in a ball, silent tears streaming down her face. She's pale white, staring at the wall, with no emotion, it's like she turned off her emotions, she can only cry. She doesn't say anything, just stares at the wall, laying on her bed. Her hair is speard around her, she looks like shit to be honest, like she got run over by a truck. . Cameron got in the room. Everyone turned to him and everyone but me had a pissed look on their face, everyone expect Mack that is, who didn't move a muscle, just stayed where she was, like a statue .

"Uh.. Guys can I t-talk to Mack a-alone..?"

Shawn and Rylie didn't look to sure but they said ok, only after Shawn looked like he was gonna kill Cam, and Ry looked over to me, I had to give her a head nod, telling her it's okay.

"If you fucking hurt her I will not think twice to kill you." Rylie said to Cameron. Shawn just stared daggers at Cam, silently warning him.

We walked out and Rylie was scared. I could tell.

"Baby calm down.. Please"

"Nash he's a fucking jerk-"

"Okay stop right there, look I was just as pissed at Cameron like you but he's my best friend and he told me what happened."


"Come here"

She walked over and Shawn was just standing there looking agitated as fuck though, but still listening. I began to tell them what Cameron said.

~ Cameron's POV ~

"Hey.." I lead off when I see her. She looks so unhealthy. She's pale white, sitting with her legs curled up to her chest, her eyes bright red and puffy. All because of me. I did this to my poor little baby girl, and it's tearing me apart.

"What do you want??" She asks, she tries to be sassy, but her voice cracks and is barley above a whisper.

"To talk"

"About what?? How you hurt me?? No thanks I'm fine"

"Mack please listen to me I know I fucked up but you haven't heard why I did"

"I know why Cameron because I'm not fucking good enough for no one!! Okay?! My sister killed herself because of me! My ex beat me up because he hated me! You cheated because-"

"I didn't cheat!! Okay?!? And your sister did not do that because of you! Mack Just Listen!!"

She finally just stopped and listened. She seemed taken back by what I just told her.

"Do you still love me, enough to forgive me? We go back to the way we were?" I ask looking at her, more like I was pleading and begging her.

"C-c-cam....eron....." She sits up, facing me. She leads off, taking my hand in hers, tracing circles on my palm. She looks up, tears glimpsing in her eyes.

"I love you, always have, always will...., but no, we can't just 'go back to the way we were.' I have been through so, so, so much, and I can't handle this again. I-" I cut her off.

"What are you saying?" I ask tears in my eyes, my voice cracking.

"We should take a break. A long one. If you still love me by the time I'm ready again, than ....we'll start from there...." She mumbles. I see her trying to hold her tears back, but a few slip out. I go to wipe them away, but she flinches back. She wipes them herself.

"Common, let's go, everyone's probably worried and confused af!" She says to me, I can tell she is just trying to take both of our minds off all that has happened. I just follow behind her.

~ Nash's POV ~

Rylie understood and so did Shawn, but they were still a lot disappointed. Well, everyone should be good the only one left is Mack...

"Nash.. I'm scared.."

"I know baby I know.. But don't be everything is gonna be alright in the end, I promise you that"

"But what if its not..?"

I didn't say anything.

"Then it's not the end..."

She hugged me. I just held her in my arms and didn't want to let go.

"She can't go through this, it's not good for her....I don't..... I, no...I don't want her broken anymore Nash! I just want her to be happy like I am when everything is good, she deserves it, she needs it! What if it's not alright?" She sobs. I hug her tighter.

"Everything's going to end up okay, until then, it's not the end." I tell her.


After awhile they came out..

"M-Mack..?" Ry stutters.

"Hi Rylie.." Mack says, trying to fake a smile but failing.


Ooohhh.... did Cam really screw up to much this time? Or do you think Mack and him will get back together? Will a new boy swoop in and save her, or will her world come crashing down?

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