I Don't Know What Just Happened.

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~ Rylie's POV ~

Me and Mack walked back to the house in the back and saw everyone drying off.

"Hey, what happened?" Ricky asked

Me and Mack looked at each other and smiled.

"Nothing" We both said

"Oh alright well Jack is looking for you, and Cam is looking for you" Trevor said

We nodded then we walked over to them because they were talking.

"You wanted to talk?" We both said

They nodded. Jack took my hand while Cameron took hers. We both walked a few feet away but we couldn't see each other.

"What's up Gilinsk?"

"Um nothing much just missed you"

I laughed and we kissed then we walked inside.

I saw Mack was worried, but I thought she would be okay, she's with Cam, and she's right. She has changed, she's happy now, and she's not going to let anything ruin that. And Sam would ruin Cam if he hurt her.

~ Mack's POV ~

"Hi......" I lead off.

"Yeah, Mack, I have a question." He mumbles.

"Okay, shoot." I tell him. We get to my room, I nod my head, giving him permission to go go in, he sits on my bed and I close the door behind me. I sit on the bed, but as far as I can. Me and Rylie just had a conversation about if I still like him or nah. I told her id tell her when I knew myself. Sam, I know he's good for me. I know he won't hurt me. He loves me. Bt I don't know, he just makes me feel, great, safe, protected. But when I'm with Cam, I can have fun. I can be me, silly, loud, crazy me. But I don't know if I can trust him. And I don't want to hurt Sam. What am I going to do?

"Do you still like me?" He asks snapping me out of my thoughts.

"W-w-w......what?" I finally manage to choke out. Didn't me and Ry just have this conversation?
He comes

"Mack I wanna know.. I mean.. We left that night without a word and I don't know about you but I really thought something was going on between us. I thought you were the most beautiful girl I have ever saw, your hair, your eyes, you Mack. I just wanna know so that if you don't I don't end up doing something stupid"

"C-Cam.. Cameron I really don't know.. I mean.. If I knew I would tell you I really would but.. Just.. Can you please give me time..?"

He nodded. I smiled and went hugged him. To make him feel better I gave him a kiss on the cheek. Whoops, if I find out I don't like him, I'm really going to feel bad for leading him on! We walked downstairs and I saw Rylie and Jack walking to the kitchen.

"Ugh, Love birds.." I mumbled

"What..?" Cameron asked

"Oh uh nothing.."

God Rylie and Jack need to go on their date already.

"So....want to watch a movie?" Cam asks me, smiling.

"Sure, just let me go do something real quick!" I tell him, running to Sam's room.

"You don't know for sure!" I hear someone try to reason. Kian! I immediately know his voice.

"Yes I do! She's going to cheat on me with Cam! You can obviously see their past relationship, and now he has her feelings for him resurfacing!" Sam yells at Kian. That's what their arguing about? Me cheating on Sam with Cam-, Cameron I mean, really?! I slam the door open, I'm super pissed.

"What the fuck? You think I was or am cheating on you with Cameron!" I walk up to Sam and slap him hard,

"What?, why would you do that babe?! " Sam asks.

"Fuck. You. I would never, ever, cheat, I wouldn't hurt someone like that! I gave you all my trust, which is all I can do, because no one fucking knows how hard that is for me after how many times I've been hurt, and you don't trust me!" I scream at him, I slap him hard as I can, my hand stings. I push him against the wall, ready to do hell of a lot more pain than just slapping him, but strong arms wrap around my waist.

"Let me go!" I scream. Then turn around and tackle Kian, who was the one holding me. I straddle him. He still has my hands though, just tight enough that I can't do anything. With my hands, I never said anything else. I kick him.

"Ow!" He yells.

"And you! I trusted you. I liked you, you were my fave before I found out I liked Sam. How can you take his side through all of this?! How come neither of you have trust in me! How come no one trusts me! I'm not a fucking slut like all th other girls who every can take advantage of! I'm not someone who's just a girl toy to you douche bags! I'm not a fucking fragile little girl! I'm a big girl now! I've changed! And I can kick your asses! Fuck you all!" I scream at Kian and the world. I twist my arm. He let's go. I punch him. Fuck! Pain shoots through my fist. I see his jaw turning back and blue. Someone grabs my waist picking me up off of Kian. I start to kick and fight, but then a bunch of others hold me down.

"Let me go! I hate you all! You all just want to ruin me!" I say, bursting out crying. I look around to see Kian with a bruise on his jaw, and Sam with a-my hand print, on his cheek. What the fuck did I just do? I start screaming. I can't breath. I'm a monster, I can't be around anyone, I need to die, be far away form all of the people I love, I'm just hurting them. I'm turning into my father, I'm turning into Jake.....that's all I can think about. I see the things he and my father did to me, it all flashing right I front of my eyes, like a movie, I can't breath. I can't breath. I feel someone try to shake me, but I don't respond. I can't breath. Then....everything goes black.


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