Chapter 45: The real reason

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She didn't really pay attention to his hustling until he whispered, catching her to turn her head to look at him.

He was looking right into her eyes deeply which made her blush, only then to see what occupied his hands.

It was a beautiful little pendant with a tear drop shaped blue crystal on it adorned on a rose-gold chain.

For a moment she couldn't process what was happening until he spoke up.
"So, I wasn't able to give it to you earlier, but I had made it for the day you'd be my girlfriend." He speaks, carefully seeing emotions on her face.

"That is-it's beautiful Malfoy!"
She spoke out grinning like an idiot before she could even process it.But she knew she'd done the right thing.

His lips formed into a light smile as he leaned in to put the pendant onto her and Hermione shifted her hair to her shoulders, sighing delightfully at the drowning sun across the horizon, her heart feeling incredibly funny all of a sudden.

In their closeness, he leaned in to slightly touch her nose and so did she, their lips reuniting softly, as she felt a gust of deja vu hit her.
Honestly, Hermione couldn't remember when all of this had happened.It was only a week ago that they were awkward as hell.And only about three months ago that he hated him with passion.So what made a change in her?
Perhaps you could say her heart did? After all, being a gryffindor, she was always  following her heart.

And that's what attracted malfoy to she could show her emotions without being embarrassed about it? Total opposite of what he was.
Someone so like but still unlike himself? It confused both of them, but neither cared enough to analyse it anymore.

It was only after 2 whole minutes of passionate kissing that he spoke up,both of the, catching their breaths quickly.

"You know, that pendant is a special one." Started Malfoy, both gazing right into each other.
"Oh? And what would that be?" Was her reply, as she got curious, like the curious George she was, still staring into the beautiful pendant.

(A/n: Hehe, see what i did there? Have any of you seen curious George though? Tell me!)

"It's actually a portal to the other side of the lake.You know? Where we went for our date? You just have to He could practically see the joy filling in her eyes.

"Are you serious?-I-thanks malfoy.That's amazing..." She gushed out quickly, really amazed at what Malfoy had done for her.

"I really hoped you'd like it.I've been working in it for a week."

"Well, I love it Malfoy, and oh-we should probably keep a name.We can't always call it, 'The other side of the lake where we went on our date.' Right?"

He nodded, she did have a point. "Hmm.Okay, what do you suggest we name it then...?"

"The secretum..? I don't's the first thing that came to my mind.It means secret in latin." She shook her head.
Somehow, naming a place was weird.And she was too happy at that moment to care.

"It works though.The secretum? I like it." He replies, shrugging.Honestly, he probably couldn't come up with a better name at that moment.

And so, Hermione granger, officially had a boyfriend.One that wasn't that she had a good feeling about.
Her to-be husband one day.

She sighed, getting emotional on how quickly all this had occurred.
But she knew their trip to Venice played a major role in helping her process all of this, because of it, they had discovered what they felt.
It was like, the thoughts that prevented them from even thinking about a relationship were being erased as they came.
Now, it felt like she didn't care about who he was before, when she was with him, she didn't remember hating him.She understood why he went through those things and that helped them to get over it all.
She had stopped hating him.
And this couldn't have happened without that week of them both getting to know eachother.Ah, how just seeing someone from a different perspective could change relationships and judgements so easily...

At least, that's what she thought.
(Hint: Remember professor mcgonagall in the other chapter?)

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