Chapter 18: Blinny is perfect

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Draco's P.O.V

We sit down with the others.
They all look at us and smile cheerfully.

"Hi parkinson! How are you now?" Potter smiles.

Pansy smiles a bit. "Not bad really."

                  ***We spend the rest of the night just like that,talking,eating,joking around.....(and staring at granger when she doesn't notice😏)***

"Let's go up now.We need sleep" Potter suggests.

That's when I check the time.
1:00 am. We'd been here for 6 hours.

So we get up and walk silently into our rooms.
Not a word heard from anybody.

Granger opens the door and we get inside.

I knew I wasn't sleepy though.Far from it.I planned that I would read this night and take a potion tomorrow.
I can't really sleep with thoughts in my head,and that's clear to me since last year when I hadn't slept for months.

So I plan on creeping out in the balcony so I don't disturb granger.

But of course,thar's not what happens.

I go change back into my normal clothes and sit out in the balcony to see granger with a book there.
She can't sleep too it seems.

So,I see granger in her black pyjamas reading a book in the light.

"Granger?" I startle her accidentally.

She jumps a bit. "Malfoy?"

"You can't sleep either?" I sit down on the opposite chair.

"Nope.I'm guessing you can't either." She motions to the book in my hand.

"Too much on my mind.I'm just not sleepy." I tell her as I open up the book.

She nods and opens her again and begins to read quietly.

We read for a while before I glance at her,a question popping into my mind which I cannot ignore any longer.


She looks up from her book. "Yes malfoy?" She looks at me blankly,expecting me to say something,so I decide to finally ask it.

"Do you think weasley will ever ne able to take care of pansy? Keep her happy?" I ask.Hoping she would know about him enough to help pansy.

She looks blankly thoughtful for a moment before replying.
"As far as I know,Ron....he isn't very emotional.A bit stone hearted I'd say.But that is only when he is having troubles adapting to changes.
And,he may be able to keep her happy,but that would only be if they understood each far as I know,Ron,being the prat he is,has been ignoring pansy since the sorting.If harry or even ginny could get Ron to talk to her...maybe they won't be miserable?" She admits.

I nod. "Pansy is very dear to me.She's the sister I've never had.It's just...hard to see her so sad.She's the most optimistic out of us three usually." I tell her.

She nods. "I understand.It must be hard to see her so sad.In the past fee days,pansy has been ignoring the topic completely.Since blaise seems to have a thing for ginny it seems she gets really sad." She answers with a nod.

"Do you think Weaslette and blaise would make a good couple? I honestly shop them." I grin

She chuckles. "Zabini and ginny...are quite a couple,I've seen the way zabini looks at her with admiration.It's amusing to be honest." She admits.

"I''m afraid he would turn into some kind of sappy love-sick poet soon." I joke.

She nods. "Surprisingly ,ginny talks about zabini alot too,she keeps on going on what a kind heart he has and denies she's become love sick." She chuckles.

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