Chapter 11: You will pay for this ronald weasley!

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A/N : Hi,I know this is completely irrelevant to the story and I did not meed to write this at all but I just found out this so cute picture to Tom felton! I had to share it,and everyone knows when I get sappy and bubbly it's serious.😍😄
Draco's P.O.V (because we didn't have enough of his thoughts and everyone's curious to what happened after the last chapter)

I waited after reading the letter for granger to come out.
I didn't know how I was going to give her the news.I couldn't just be like:
Hey granger! Mcgonagall just ordered you to sleep on the same bed with the same coward idiotic prejudiced git that called you that horrible word that's etched onto your arm,and it's compulsory,not to mention the limit is 2 meters and I'm also a male!" I chuckled.

And that happened to be the same moment she came out.
My smile slipped off my face as she looked at me with confusion.What a moment.
I knew she didn't expect me to be here as I told her I'd be out quietly before she went.Those were the only words I'd spoken to her all evening.And to be honest, it wasn't my fault either was it? If mcgonagall didn't send the letter to us,I'd be out of here.

And to be honest, it wasn't my fault either was it? If mcgonagall didn't send the letter to us,I'd be out of here

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Granger is looking at me suspiciously.
Then I realise I was staring.Argh! Get a grip and get that head out of the clouds malfoy!" I inwardly want to crucio myself.

"Well,you need to get ready malfoy,it's starting to snow." Granger reminds me with a shrug.

I watch her every step as I see her go out of the room and to the closet.

For some reason, it felt like I didn't know who she was at all.It was like we'd just met, that unfamiliar feeling you get when you meet a new person and feel Déjà vu at the same time? I didn't know how to explain it.

I remember my first thought of her I'd ever had in first year on the train.....
I see this little girl about my age come on with mane-like hair.More like a lion's mane.
She walks in and starts speaking:
"Hello,my name is hermione granger,and this is neville longbottom,he seems to have lost his toad and he assumes it's gone somewhere in the train,would you have seen it?" She smiles.
Oh god,she speaks like an adult,with english so fluent none of us would have guessed she was a first year.

She's like a queen fit for a king,like me.Of course, I speak better than anyone over here.Even her, I can be sure.

I smile back at her
"Sorry,no we haven't seen the toad." I reply then stick out my hand to her.

"I'm Malfoy,Draco malfoy." I add with the smirk I had been practicing for months.
Finally got to use it.

"Pleasure meeting you!" She smiles at me

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