Chapter 40: [Dear reader, Insert title of your wish]

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Hermione woke up the next day, feeling happier than usual.She felt so happy she practically jumped out of bed that day, almost forgetting that Malfoy was sleeping right next to her and that she could've woken him up.

She looks back onto the bed to see a very prefect looking blondie still sleeping.
It wasn't fair! How could Malfoy look so good while sleeping and she must look like she's been homeless her whole life? She guessed it had something to do with 'being a Malfoy' but she shrugged and grinned away to the bathroom.Yesterday still on her mind.

After a while, she came out all fresh to see malfoy awake,sipping a cup of coffee.
As soon as he saw her, he grinned a bit. "Morning.Sleep well?" As if he was being cautious to see if she would ignore him or be mad.
Honestly, even the thought would crush him.

She grins back. "Good morning! Pretty much did." And sat down besides him, conjuring a cup of coffee as well.

"You're not going to ignore me are you?"

She looked at him like he was crazy. "Merlin malfoy, why would you think that? I already told you.I don't regret anything!" She laughs.

"Yeah but well-You're supposed to be hating someone like me and..."

"And you still can't believe it?"

He nods,slightly looking away. "I thought you'd regret it."

"Well, I don't.I meant what I said malfoy." She replies back softly.

In a snap of a finger, malfoy has his signature smirk on. "Glad to know granger.We should get to breakfast.The others must be in the common room by now." He extends a hand to her,for her to take it.

She laughs softly, and takes his hand, both of them getting up and walking out of their room into the common room and closing the door behind them.

In front of them, Harry and luna are in a conversation while ginny and Blaise are watching the common room TV, it seemed to be a movie or something.
Both of them walk down the stairs and Hermione looks around and speaks, catching the attention of the others. "Where're Pansy and Ron?"

Blaise beats the others in replying. "Morning! They're still asleep for some reason.We were waiting for you to come out." He says in a cold voice when he mentions that Pansy and Ron were still sleeping.

Hermione nods and catches malfoy's eyes quickly flickering at Ron and Pansy's room in lighting speed and coming back onto the others.
"Alright.Well, so we go without them?"

"I think so too.You can literally hear Ron snoring from down hear.Let's go." Harry chuckles as they get up.
Behind her,she could hear Malfoy chuckling for a second at harry's comment.

So they walk out to breakfast together, Malfoy beside Hermione and reach the hall, chattering together, she noticed Malfoy and Blaise were mostly quiet all throughout the conversation and it was mainly Luna and Ginny chattering away.

They were just about to reach the hall when Ginny,who was at the very front of them all points out at the front if the entrance and stops walking.
"Look! They changed the tables!"

We all peer around to see that they had indeed changed the tables, they went from house wise tables to an endless seeming amount of circular tables with names carved onto them.

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