Chapter 4: A meeting with Red and being a true gryffindor

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Alert: Now I know I said I will put Harry and ginny together and honestly,I don't ship blinny at all...but I figured since Ginny and hermione were best friends and Blaise and Draco were too....maybe it would be nice to get Ginny and Blaise together?
Please don't kill me Hinny fans!
your author


Ginny's P.O.V
I was walking downstairs to my first class when I bump into a hard substance.Ugh! What a nice way to start another day!Then the hard substance growls too! I look up to see a dark and handsome man smiling down at me as he reaches his hand for me to grab.
I scowl and get up on my own.

"Oooh,looks like you aren't in a good mood today red." He grins.

I scowl again. "I was until you bumped into me Zabini!" I exclaim.

He grins at me again! "Oh,feisty are we red?" He says blocking my way as I try to go.

I glare at him. "Buggar off zabini! And my name is NOT Red!" I growl at him clearly annoyed.

"But you have red hair!" He says as if it's sooo obvious. I roll my eyes and he smiles.A genuine one.

"Loads of people have red hair Zabini!" I tell him.

"But not as red as yours, RED!" He grins.

"Ugh! Get out of my way now!" I push him but he doesn't move.

"Fine but can I at least have a goodbye?" He pouts at me and I immediately fall in his charm.I roll my eyes.

"Fine...Goodbye zabini!" And with that I leave

"Goodbye love!" He yells from behind me.

I glare behind me to see no one.I shake my head and head off to breakfast.Oh how I hate that boy! He messes with my mind!

I reach the Gryffindor table to sit with Harry and Hermione since Ron sits with lavender now.That blithering idiot! He has no idea how perfect Hermione is and he just wants to snog off brown's face because she allows it! Ugh!

Hermione's P.O.V

Me and ginny were in the library when I check the time and groan.

"I have to go ginny.I have some tournament work to do." I tell her my eyes apologising.

She nods with a sad face on her, "Okay,but we need some more girl talk later alright?"
I nod and head off.

The sorting lists were outside with snape.

"Hello ms. granger.Here are the lists.You are 15 minutes late." He says.

"Sorry professor." I nod and take the lists inside with me.

A few minutes of sorting and zabini and malfoy come barging inside on a broom.
From the window.
I frown.
"You broke the window? Seriously,we have a thing called a door zabini,malfoy!" I shake my head and mention a quick 'repairo' to fix it.

"I told you malfoy,you have a door!" Zabini hisses playfully.

"Why are you telling me? Huh? It was you who levitated me on the broom zabini!" He scowls

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