Chapter 54: Cancel the marriage

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*Later that day*

"but come on Ginny, he adores you."

"Hermione, I thought we weren't going to talk about this?"

"We didn't the whole day, but you need a snap into reality.You won't be able to ignore him forever, and he does realise that his nom is wrong, but maybe he's just asking you because his mom won't listen to him?"

The blue eyed girl crosses her arms and stops walking. "Oh yeah? And how do you know?"

Hermione sighs. "Ginny, all this time...he has a twinkle in his eyes when you're around.We all notice it.You have an effect on him.I've never seen a Slytherin , like Zabini himself go soft like that.Admit it, you've missed him today."

Ginny's face had already softened as she stood quietly.
Ok, she was hurt and panicking, but that didn't mean she didn't miss him.She was upset with him, but she wanted not to be.
"What do I even do Hermione? I-I...I just want to not face this at all." Ginny replies, keeping her bags on the bench next to them and sitting down.

The brunette sits down next to her and replies: "Talk to him."

"I already have."

"Talk to him again today.Malfoy's talked to him to.I'm sure Zabini understands now."

"But what if he doesn't?"

"I doubt it.But if he doesn't, I'll hex that him until he does!" Hermione grins at her friend, who instantly lights up at the statement.

"You seem very sure, huh?"

"I am, because I've seen both of you."

"Fine.See you later." Ginny nods, bot fully convinced but understanding what Hermione meant.

"C'mon, go back to your dorm now, and go see him again." Hermione encourages her best friend, with a small pat on her back.

"Thanks again Hermione."

The brunette smiles at her. "That's what friends are for..."

And with a last look, Ginny had apparated back to her dorm.


*Ten minutes ago*

"Man, I really don't think this will work out.Ginny will not talk to me again, and talking to my mom is a horrible idea.I'm-"

"Shut the fuck up zabini." Malfoy snaps at the curly haired boy annoyed.

"You're not being a very good friend.Dude she-

"Look, I get that this is your mother we're talking about, but if she can't support you and forces weaslette like that, knowing what was going in than the problem is with her.Not weaslette. I hate to admit, but your mom isa really manipulative woman.So I suggest you stop being so soft and speak directly to her.Take weaslette with you as well." Malfoy replies to his pacing friend.

"Fine mate, I get it.She's being unreasonable but even if I try, I know where this will end up."

"That's because you've never gone against your mom zabini! Stop being such a momma's boy."

And that was when zabini finally admitted  that he would have to change history, and go against his mom.Or else Malfoy or Granger herself would definitely hex him.

"I'm going to leave now.When red head comes back here, talk to her."


Ginny had reached the room, only about five seconds ago Hermione had told her to talk to him, but now she really didn't know what to say.And Blaise didn't seem  to be anywhere in the room either.So she decided to check in the living room.


She turned around, dreading coming back immediately.
"huh? Oh."
"Hi." Her runs a hand through his hair, not knowing whether she was going to listen or not.

"I need to talk to you." Ginny blurted out, looking him in the eye.

He was quite surprised.What had granger told her? She wanted to talk?
"Oh, I need to as well.Sit down first."


"Let me first.I owe you an explanation." Blaise interrupts her.

Ginny nods, happy that she didn't have to go first.

"Look, my mother...she's a very manipulative woman,  but  I love her to death.And believe it or not, she likes you a lot.And she just...has a bad way of showing it.She thinks it's better to get married first in all of the pairs to show that we really like each other.And I know it freaked you out when she arranged the wedding before even talking to us,  but she really thought we would be happy with it.She didn't understand what was wrong.And I am really sorry I didn't try to talk to her and instead tried to convince you.I was just afriad she' be disappointed with me and, I've honestly never gone against her."
He stops before seeing her emotionless face.
Dang.How was he supposed to know what that meant?

So he continued.
"But however....I understand what I did and I've decided that we both can go and talk to her, convince her? It's totally fine if you don' want to meet her again but I just-I think that I owe you alot for trying to force you into my mother's decision.And I think that you should be able to talk to her and tell her how wrong she was.Look, I really really like you and...
It may not be love, but I hope we can fall in love one day Ginny."

That was by far the cheesiest thing he had ever said.But he didn't regret it when he saw her face soften.
"Honestly Blaise, you didn't even have to explain all of this.I understand okay? And I'm more than willing to talk to Yemaya about this.Just...thank you."

(yemaya is his mother's name from what I read online.)

And it wasn't long before they were kissing passionately, sweetly and neither wanted to repeat such an unfortunate fight ever again.

But the wedding was yet to be cancelled.
And neither knew how they'd refuse all the things that were arranged.All the people that were already invited.

And worst of all, they had to do it all in a week.

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