Chapter 19: Drunk boys

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Hermione's P.O.V

I wake up and try t adjust to my surroundings.
I don't know what's happening today,usually I am a morning person everyday.

Then it struck me.
Memories of last night come back.Me and malfoy were up late at night till 3 am.

I quickly force myself to get up and walk to my purse and take out the sleepless energy potion and gulp it up. tasted like sour lemon candy.

Suddenly an owl comes through from the window.

I check it and joy flushes through me,it's from my parents.I haven't even heard of them since Ginny told me.

Dear Hermione,
How are you?
We miss you alot!
And,we know about the marriage law dear,at first we were very scared,frightened and angry at your ministry for such a law.
But the very next day,your soon-to-be-mother in law sent a letter to us,requesting to meet us.
She is a dear women really,we talked about the both of you and Narcissa and your mother got along quite well too.
We chatted for a while right there.She told us about Draco's background and how he was forced to be a death eater.
We promised her that we would accept Draco gladly as our daughter's soon-to-be husband.
Take your time knowing the boy dear,he seems to be a rather good match for you we think.
Hope your well and good Hermione,and we'll be waiting for your letter sweetheart.

Wendell and Monica granger

Mixed feelings.
Yes,that's what I feel.
If mrs. malfoy met my parents she must have changed from the last time I met her.
Unbelievable really.I'll have to see it myself.

What terrified me,was that me and malfoy hadn't even talked properly about this marriage thing,and honestly...I didn't want to.
Oh how I wished things were just as good as before.It was our newts year and they were marrying us off!

And on top of that,the parents were deciding to be so far ahead of us! We weren't even friends yet! Were we?
No,definitely not,we are just acquaintances.

Although malfoy has been quite understanding...he hasn't even brought the topic up yet and I'm grateful for that.I think he can sense that too.

I put the letter on the side table,pick out an outfit for the day.Pansy decided in yesterday's party that we would go shopping.
I go into the bathroom and take a nice warm shower.I needed that so much it felt like heaven.

Today,I felt rather happy.The burden of mrs. malfoy hating me was over,and honestly,I felt happier than ever now!

So I decided on some nice perfume as well to go with the outfit.Usually,I'm not a perfume person because really,I smell pretty alright naturally and usually don't need perfume,but I would always have a few bottles of perfume for some reason.

Usually,I'm not a perfume person because really,I smell pretty alright naturally and usually don't need perfume,but I would always have a few bottles of perfume for some reason

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