Chapter 20: I broke so many malfoy rules yesterday

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Draco's P.O.V

I woke up with a terrible headache the next morning.
Fuck! How much did I drink last night? I must've broken the record.

I seriously haven't ever drunk as much as I had yesterday.

Oh shit! What if I did something stupid?

I mentally slap myself as I get up to cure my headache.
What a hangover.

Suddenly,granger just walks in front of me,her hair wet from the shower,wearing an olive green jumpsuit which highlighted her body pretty well...
She was also holding a bottle that I noticed after I was done staring and my dignity was having a funeral.
What the hell Draco!

(Just imagine this but a bit more like emma watson)

(Just imagine this but a bit more  like emma watson)

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"It's for the headache malfoy,it'll help." She instructs.

How'd she know about my headache?
"Thanks granger." I take the bottle from her and watch her go back into the balcony to finish her book.

I liked how she looked today.I never knew she had such nice curves.
Then I try to find ways to know if I did something stupid yesterday.

I could ask weaslette if I did something wrong.

I walk out of the room and barge right into blaise's and weaslette's room.

Blaise was still asleep and weaslette was combing her hair.

"Malfoy?" She smirks,I get a feeling she knows what I'm here for so I start right from the question
"Did I do anything stupid yesterday?" I ask her.

She motions for me to sit down and clears her throat,which also a hint that there was a long list coming...oh no.

"First of all,
You yelled "My wifey is here!!" yesterday when hermione came into the room.
You and blaise started to talk nonsense and then you jumped behind her and forced her to let you cuddle her for a few minutes.
After that you jumped on the bed and started to laugh and were like: "I have the hottest wife here guys! And she will only comfort me so don't you dare!
And then hermione shook her head and levitated you back to your room,sent you and your pyjamas into the washroom.You got changed hiccuping.
And then she gave you a potion so you could sleep.
Then,after a while you just randomly hugged her again.When she asked you why you weren't asleep yet you said you wanted to cuddle!
And then you kissed her cheek and you wouldn't sleep after that so she had to use wandless magic to put you to sleep." ........

She finished the summary and I was dumbfounded.

I could see she was trying not to laugh.
Then a question comes to my mind.

"were you in our room watching all that?" I ask her.

She smiles nervously. "Maybe...but you can't do anything about it Malfoy.If I didn't you wouldn't know this.Then imagine how you'd ask Hermione."
I raise an eyebrow at this.

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