Chapter 22: I'm a Weasley! (A/n:I'm guessing you figured what's going to happen)

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Draco's P.O.V. (as usual)

"What's wrong with eating cookies?" Blaise pouts.

I knew he was doing it to charm Weaslette.

"You were sitting on the kitchen floor eavesdropping our conversation zabini.And that pout won't work." Granger replies.

Weaslette looks at us and smiles.

"Aren't you three so cute?" She talks as if to a child.

Did she-She called me cute?
Malfoy's aren't cute! (A/n: 😒 really Draco?)

"Malfoy's aren't cute weaslette!" I reply with deep arrogance. (A/n: That was so expected from you.😏)

"But you're supposed to be the cutest,malfoy." Weaslette grins.

Wha-Argh! How dare she?

"I'm not CUTE!" I growl.

Zabini gets up and sits straight.

That's when I realise I was still on the ground and I get up slightly embarrassed.

"What all did you hear?" Pansy raises an eyebrow.

"Everything." Potter grins like a child.

"There we go.Don't you know it's rude to listen to a girl's conversation?" Pansy shakes her head disapprovingly.

"No big deal." Blaise rolls his eyes.

Granger raises an eyebrow and chuckles.
"In a moment our heads feel different."

"What did you do granger?" Blaise looks nervous.

"Check for yourselves." She laughs.

Again,the three girls start laughing hysterically.

I get up and run to the bathroom.
I see red.

No,I literally see red!

"I'M A WEASLEY!!!" The shriek came out like a girl.I hadn't meant for it to but it did.

Stupid draco!

I hear more hysterical laughing after that and blaise huffs arrogantly while potter is busy laughing too.

"Granger! Why would you do this! It was potter's idea!" I yell.

"Actually,I think we all agree you look better in red hair don't we?" She looks at pansy and ginny who nod immediately.

"When will it change?" My eyes widen in fear.

"Uhm...whenever I want?" Granger grins.

"Okay than can you please change it already?" My voice is drained from the arrogance in fear.

"Hmm...I'm not sure..." She pretends to think.

"Please! I can't be seen like this!" I exclaim desperately.

"Not sure...."


"I'm thinking a few days?"

"No!" My eyes widen.

"I think you can make up for george's honorary twin..." She completely ignores me.

"Please granger?" I interrupt quietly.

"You can....apologise?" She gasps dramatically.

I roll my eyes. "Are you changing my hair back or not?"

"Fine.I'm too nice." She chuckles and my hair changes back.

"Thanks alot." I sigh at my reflection.

"For the new style or the colour back?" She smirks.

"The latter,definitely.I don't want to be going around looking like a weasley.No offence weaslette." I roll my eyes.I have a habit to do so.

"I still took it malfoy." Weaslette rolls her eyes.

"Too bad then..." I chuckle unapologetically.

"Granger,being george's honorary twin isn't on my agenda either!" Blaise calls from outside.

"Oh right." She goes over to them,looks them in the eye and they are back.

"I could've gone longer with red hair though..." Potter chuckles.

"I can change it back if you like..."

"No! I mean,no.It's alright." Potter coughs

"Your welcome then."
Ugh! Honestly,when I started writing this book,it was a free flow and I didn't have any drafts or plans on what to write.
So I just went with the flow.
I want something to happen that they just become friends already! But I can't think of anything!
Honestly,I'm so frustrated now,trying to think of ideas that I don't even know where all this is heading.
So,I'll need some time to think again.
Sorry if I don't upload  for a few day!           (Although I most probably will.)

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