Chapter 55: Snow balls!

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"Malfoy.Wake uuup!"

No response.
He simply stirred a bit and some of his blonde hair fell onto his face.

"It's snowing outside! I am not letting you sleep the day in! We're going out!" She whined.
Well, it wasn't supposed to come out as a whine, but it did.She sounded like a five year old.

"Graaannger.No." He groans at her, still not opening his eyes.

Why did she ever think he'd get up in such a cold weather?

"Malfoy.Please, just get up! We have to go outside! If I can get up, so can you."

"But you aren't up."

Why was he running her up into riddles now? Hmph.If he had enough energy to say that, he surely could get up.
"Huh what do yo-Eek!"

He had grabbed her hand and pulled her down, catching her off guard and she couldn't help but fall right onto him.

Oh god.This is so cliche. She couldn't help but think.
Wasn't this what happened in the movies? The guy pulls the girl down and they end up in a very awkward position.
Well, it wasn't exactly awkward.

So now, Malfoy had his eyes still closed, trying not to grin at her face with is arms clutched to her waist and holding her tightly and she was stuck with him.
"Malfoy! Get up!"


"Let me gooo." She whined.

"But it's nice here.Way better than the cold we're going to get if we go out.Let's stay."

"Quit being such a lazy asshole."

"A very attractive asshole at that."

Oh god.She'd seen this scene a million times in the movies and books.The attractive asshole jerk and the girl he likes.
Oh hermione shut it.

What now? He was going to ask her to kiss him if she wanted to leave? Huh.Jokes...

"I'm a witch you know."

"Wow, I'm so surprised."

"So I can use wandless magic on you."

"Now you can't."

"Did you ju-

"Yeah.Now shut up already, I'm having alot of fun."

"Having fun annoying me?" She frowns

"Having so much power."

She rolls her eyes at him. "Be serious."

"But I'm Malfoy."

In frustration she groans. "You're not even funny."

"But I'm not serious either."

"Argh.What do I do to get you off?"

"Kiss me."

Had she said the previous thoughts out loud? That was a joke.
Kiss him? Like the movies? Oh hell no, how cheesy could he get.
But she wasn't saying no.She just wanted to get him off her so she could then force him out.

So she turned her head towards him to see him smirking and sighed. "I don't know which movie you've seen, but your cheesiness makes me cringe."
Wrong.It made her heart jump to face a real life scene like this.

And she hated it.
She'd never been the one to like cheesy stories and pick up lines, but when it happened for real, the case was different.

He scoffs. "I don't know what you're talking about."

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