Chapter 51: Couple classes

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They walk into the newly made class, hand in hand.It seemed they were the first ones to reach there as not even the teacher had come yet.

"I'm pretty sure it's about those diaries or something." Malfoy guesses.

"Well it is couple classes.Probably something to do with the law." She sighs back.
"We should be studying.Not taking couple classes."

"It's alright.You'll do fine,Stop acting like you haven't studied for this since fourth year."

She nods, "That's a bit of an exaggeration but okay.Thanks."

Students were still filing in with their partners as Hermione and Draco discussed a few things on the recent Transfiguration chapter they'd revised on that day.

That was until a woman in about her thirties came into the class.
Dressed in elaborate robes, dark skin and black curly hair, friendly looking and plump just like mrs. Weasley, she smiled widely at the class.

"Good morning class.I'm the new professor as you must know.And I'll be taking what you call, 'couple classes' for you all."

A murmur ran through the wizards and witches that were seated.
"Now, I know who all of you are, let me introduce myself.I'm Poppy robins, you can call me professor Poppy though,Haha, nice isn't it?

Hermione smiles at the new professor, seeing that the woman looked quite nervous.
"Uh, okay.Then let me tell you what we're going to be doing in these classes." She brings out a thick notebook, in which Hermione assumed she kept the notes of the class.

"Now, first of all today, I will be seeing through all of you're diaries that I assume you've been given a few weeks ago? Instead of headmistress, I will be doing that from now." She speaks, still skimming through the notebook's pages.

"She looks like umbridge, just in different colours and not only pink." Remarked  Malfoy, making hermione chuckle.

What was wrong with her? It was so bad to laugh at a teacher!
"Shut up Malfoy..."

He raises an eyebrow. "What? You know how true it is! I bet she's sugary sweet as well." He scoffs.

"Can you stop judging the professor already? She's nervous and you're not helping!"

"Typical Hermione granger." The chair creaks a bit as he leans down to get the book out.
She rolls her eyes at him, getting her black 'diary' out herself as well.

"Now students, after you've submitted your diaries, let me tell you what we're going to do today..."

Everyone waits patiently for the new professor to continue as she scan the whole room, seeing everyone levitate their notebooks to the to of her desk.
"Now, today we're going to do an activity in which you and your partner will have to take care of a pet.Now, we were going to give you fake babies but headmistress thought it was absurd so we're giving you an animal to take care of to see if you can cooperate properly.Now remember, they aren't normal pets.They have to be taken care of properly."

Who on earth thought of the babies? It was absurd! Thank goodness for the headmistress to understand that.
"What good will this do us?" Malfoy rolled his eyes, quietly whispering to himself but Hermione clearly heard it.

"Oh I don't know...but I'm not going to waste my time on this." Hermione scoffed back in reply.

He nods, just as the professor puts a strange looking box on everyone's desks.
Hermione takes a glance at Malfoy, who was eyeing the box.

"What about a manual? How am I supposed to know what to do without instructions?" A Hufflepuff girl questions loudly.

"That, you have to figure yourself.You don't get user manuals for babies do you?"

"But we do get to know how to take care of them by someone or get advice." Voices Padma, who was seated just in front of Hermione and Draco with her hufflepuff partner.

"Yes, miss patil but as of  now you are required to figure it out yourself.Now I suggest you all open them up and get started."

They all start getting busy with their tasks as the professor goes back to her desk and arranges some papers lying around from her notebook.

"Well, let's open it." Malfoy leans towards the strange wooden box.

"I'm pretty sure it's not a real animal." She replies as they start opening it up and look inside.

"Oh wow." mutters Hermione.

Inside was a greenish and blue creature that looked too much like a cat.Except-cat's weren't blue and green.But the body structure was all the same.
It had a glint in it's eyes and almost glowed though, making it seem like something out of a fairytale.

"That's not creepy." He remarks.

"Why do you think they'd give us something creepy looking?"

"Well, they were talking about babies, and babies are creepy.So I assumed they" send something with three eyes or five legs or something..." He shrugs.
His voice was too casual for him to be joking.

And it made her giggle. "Seriously Malfoy? Have you never seen a baby? They're adorable!"

He rolls his eyes. "Sure they are, until you have to take care of one."



The class had ended and they were back in their dorms again, being the only one to return out of all their friends.
They had different timetables and each couple did classes together so it made sense as to why they were earlier.

The cat-ish thing was whining as soon as they got in.

"Argh.This is just plain annoying." Malfoy whines, already looking like he was about to quit looking after it.

"Well, I think it's hungry." Hermione comes around to the couch and sots down next to it, peering at it with an eyebrow raised.
"What do you think?"

"Eh, you'd know better than me." He replies, putting his chin on the top of her head and resting his arms on her shoulder, making her sigh.
"I really don't know.I could research on it but it doesn't even have a name!"

Ans that about how they'd have to live a week.
Desperately trying to figure out what the animal meant.It was cute and all, unless you had to figure it out.

Just like a baby.

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