Chapter 37: "First fucking Ransy happens and now we go back to that hellhole!"

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They quickly went upstairs to their shared rooms and freshened up.

Ginny in sweatpants and shirt, Luna in an orange dress and Hermione in a checkered black and white shirt with pants.
(And the boys' outfits aren't important really.Sorry about that.)

Pansy and Ron were still in their room and it was so quite by now Ginny managed to joke about them being dead in their, to which only Harry laughed to and Blaise tried to grin.

They met again in the common room, trying to figure out how they would spend the next few hours in such an awkward situation where they suspected two of their best friends to be screwing up in there!

Ah! The dramatics!

Much to Hermione's surprise, she noticed a TV on the wall!

Half an hour later, the six of them were watching a film, which not-so-surprisingly was extremely hard as Harry and Hermione had to explain the other 4 why and how the hell they managed to push up so many tiny people into a black box.

"Wait, so they didn't use snoopies to shrink people in?" Luna was the most inquisitive out of the four.
Huh, and we thought the Slytherins were annoying when asking questions.

"What in the name of merlin are snoopies?" Blaise raises an amused eyebrow towards the dreamy blonde.

"They are extremely rare pixies found only in western Norway and extremely lushious parts of eastern scotland, they produce urine that is used to shrink anything.Well, all living things of course.Father had gone hunting for them once, he came back with the size of an ant I guess they pee-"

"OKAY. Thanks loon-Luna yeah, for that wonderful piece of information.Now can we please continue with this? You can talk about this later." Malfoy interrupts her speech, which stops the blond immediately.
Luna nods, a bit faltered as to have stopped her talk.

Although Hermione felt a bit offended at how he stopped Luna, she understood where he came from.
Sometimes, Luna could be a bit annoying, but it didn't mean he could snap at her, even though he had tried to appear polite.

"Why? Do you have a problem with acquiring some new piece of information Malfoy?" Harry narrows his eyes at  the blonde, obviously offended by the tone he used for the sweet Luna who didn't seem even the tiniest bit offended.

"It's not a problem potter.It's called lack of interest." Malfoy shoots back.

"Well she-

"Harry, Draco is right.I can be a bit annoying at times and it's okay." Luna interrupts Harry much to everyone's surprise.

"But love he-

"Let's continue." She interrupts again, motioning for Hermione to resume the movie who nods and grabs the control.

**Half very productive hour later**

"Ah, pans, you were per-
He stops walking.
They both stop walking as they see us staring at them.

Blaise with a blank face, Malfoy amused, Hermione blank, Ginny grinning, Harry confused and luna smirking.
(Ahem, yes ladies and gentlemen, luna can smirk.)

Pansy was the first one to speak out of all of them.
"Uh-Guys! When did you get here?" In an overly cheerful tone to dismiss the awkward and tense vibes.
And failed as no one replied.

"When both of you were having sex, we didn't want to disturb you so we didn't tell you earlier but-
Luna starts and Ron interrupts her.

"Both of us were having sex? What makes you think tha-

"Yes, we were." Pansy interrupts his terrible lie casually as Blaise's eyes widen.

"But how pansy? You know he-

"Look, me and Ron have made up and we you know-we're dating now." She replies with a tint of pink on her pale cheeks.

"I knew it! That's amazing pansy!" Ginny squeaks as blaise turns to her watching her go excited.
Did she not know what Weasley had done to Hermione? What did she have to prove that he wouldn't hurt Pansy?

Before ginny could say anything else, Ron speaks up again.
"Look guys, Hermione, I am very sorry about what I did to lavender okay? I...I just was very scared I would lose Hermione forever and I guess I did the wrong thing to show that-but-I promise, I've learned my lesson okay? I know you all hate me but-daring of me to say this but-maybe one day we could make up.And Pansy helped me realise that!"

A breeze of air hits the room through the open window as none of them speak for a while, the movie still going on in the background as all of them processed this new piece of drama.

It had looked like he had made that speech up days ago so Hermione nodded, still not looking him in the eye.After what he had done, making her life hell just because she wouldn't get into bed with was hard to even believe him.

"Are you...mad at me?" Pansy has a hurt look in her eyes as she sees Blaise's unbelieving face, but relaxes back when she sees Malfoy nodding at her.
At least Malfoy approved, and he could convince Blaise too.

"No one here could be upset at you for trying to make your marriage easier pansy.It had to happen sometime right?" Luna replies in her calming voice as Blaise nods, giving hints that he didn't like this but approved.

"So-are we good?"

"Yeah-we are right guys?" Hermione gives them all looks as they nod one by one, resulting Pansy to grin at them and go over to Blaise and Malfoy to give them tight hugs which they happily return, whispering to each other quietly as the three gryffindors and ravenclaw watched them have some slytherin conversation quietly.

Finally, everything could go back as it was and they could watch the movie in peace, thought Harry when an announcement letter flies into the room and starts speaking in you guessed who, Kingsley's voice.

"Dear students of hogwarts,
There is another announcement feast in the hall tonight for something very special, please be present there at 7:00 pm sharp.Attendance is mandatory.
Thank you."

Groans and scoffs were heard in the room as Hermione glared at the letter which gracefully glided down onto the side table.
"As much as every part of Hogwarts is very dear to me, I am not going back to that hellhole!" She bears through gritted teeth at the mere thought of kingsley ruining her life.

"First fucking Ransy happens and now we go back to that hellhole! What an eventful day." Blaise sighs.

"Ransy?" It was Harry this time.

"Ron+Pansy." Replies Malfoy with a nod.

Ah, it was impossible to have a normal year at Hogwarts after all, wasn't it?

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