Chapter 34: Redeemed (Ransy)

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....Third person....

Ron and pansy had a spark.
They could feel it.
Ever since the day pansy had gone ot hogwarts to talk to him.They had been spending all of our time together.

He was nothing like what people thought him to be.
It was basically the same story she went through.She wasn' a slut like people thought her to be.It was merely her parents' fault that they taught her to dress in revealing clothes and be mean ot others.In reality she didn't like doing any of that and she only realised it in fifth year.

By then,she thought it was too late for her to change.But that,of course wasn't true.

She may even have had a teeny-weeny bit of crush on Ron...
But of course,he can't have had the same feelings.She's sure he still doesn't like her.

Ron's P.O.V

Pansy and I had a spark.
She was nothing like what people thought her to be.

She was very understanding towards me and I felt the need to do the same.

Although I may have loved hermione before, this was different.
Pansy and I actually fit in together very well.

Okay,I admit,I may have a teeny weeny bit of a crush on her.
That's good right?
I mean,having a crush on the person you're supposed to marry can't be bad.But I was sure she didn't feel the same....

I still feel guilty for what I did and believe it or not,Pansy helps alot.

Fine,I have a huge crush on her now.
But how is it even possible? Having a crush on someone just a week after you've met them?
It felt like I was overthinking now that I said it like that.Ugh.

"Hey ron?"

I look over to the slytherin and smile.

"I need to talk to you want to take a walk?" She asks a hopeful glint in her eyes.

"Y-yeah,honestly I was thinking the same." I grin as we get up.

As we start walking out of the castle pansy coughs and starts speaking.
"So um,I think we should talk about this marriage thing." She starts not meeting my eyes.

"Yeah? Alright,what about exactly?" I'm getting nervous now.
"Look-I know you probably don't feel the same but I need to tell you this-I think we can work this out." she replies quickly.

I meet her eyes and smile my nervousness flowing away.
"If you think we can,then we probably could." I grin.

She chuckles.
"So,you feel the same?"

I nod and without thinking twice,grab her hand.

This sudden gesture startles her a bit and she looks very uncomfortable for a second,which makes me re-think this.
But then she calms down and we walk down the lake in comfortable silence as the sun goes down slowly...

"It's nice to have someone to talk to,knowing you won't be judged." I let out.
She slowly lifts her head to look at me with a heart warming grin.

"That's the first time anyone has said that to me." She admits.

I look into her sad eyes and she looks into mine.
I lean in a bit and she does the same,just taking up all the emotions form each other's eyes.

Suddenly we both come back to the reality at the same time and I lean back a bit and look away,she does the same...
A blush appearing on both of our cheeks as we thought about what we were about to do.

Although her head was down I could see her whole face red,and that was what made me grin.


"Guys I think Ron has kidnapped pansy!" Ginny exclaims in a panicky voice.

"Kidnapped isn't the right word..." Hermione interrupts her rant.

"I don't think so..." Comes another voice. (A/n: no,it's not pansy.I'm not that cliché guys!)
The two girls turn their heads toward the door way to see the blonde blue-eyed girl smiling mysteriously.
"She hasn't even talked to me since she left! She left in the middle of our holiday!" Ginny moans,rolling her eyes.

"I think she and Ron must be getting along." Luna adds.

"Maybe they'll figure something out? I haven't liked pansy being all sad in the past few days...." I wonder out loud.

"Exactly my point hermione." Luna agrees.

"If they have to get married no matter what,they must've at least talked..." She added in a carefree luna like voice.

God,did I mention how much I love luna?
He voice calmed both of us immediately and I sent her a grin.
.I've missed talking to our new best friend though!" Ginny rolls her eyes.

"I thought you called us here to tell us something?" I smirk.

I knew what this was about.
For I had witnessed it with draco hadn't I?

"Oh-um yes!" She looks nervous and excited at the same time.

Luna speaks up before either of us could though.
"Is it about you and blaise dating?"

I blink at her.
How does she know? I swear there was no one there except for Malfoy and I...

"Wh-how did you know?" Ginny's eyes widen.
"The look on your face says so.Besides,there are so many squibbles around you right now,it was obvious you were excited." She explains simply shrugging.

"What the hell are squibbles?" Ginny raises an eyebrow,obviously a bit startled by her explanation.
.They come around when you are excited about something." The blonde explains.

Ginny nods but then a shy grin appears on her face again.
"Anyways,blaise and I kissed today!" She squeals.

My eyes widen but a smirk soon makes it's way to my face.
"You've liked him alot haven't you?"

She looks away grinning like a kid.
"Yeah but...after he asked me and I said yes we came up to our room and,he said he was glad I was his soulmate and we-we kissed!!!" She jumps.

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