Chapter 50: Alone

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"Uh-I need to get up."

"Just a minute." He husks back

She raised an eyebrow.
She'd woken up to find that Malfoy had mistaken her for his pillow, and was currently hugging her from behind with his head in the crook of her neck.
But he was too busy sleeping to understand what she was saying.

"No, I mean that I have to get up.Just-
She tried to move his hands away but being the stubborn Malfoy he was, he wouldn't budge.

"Nooo." He moans back.
She found that a bit too cute.

"Come on.We have classes today for the first time in such a long time!" She whines back.

"Okay...I'm getting up..."
He removes his hands slightly, processing what was going on and rubbing his hands over his face.
Then, he finally sat up.
"But can we just skip classes? Merlin, I don't feel like it..."

"No.We're not skipping classes! Get uup!" Hermione forces the blonde out of the bed and he reluctantly walks into the bathroom, leaving her to wonder why she couldn't look like that in the morning...
Huh, it must be the intricate beauty routine he followed everyday.She'd have to learn it from him.It just wasn't fair how she looked homeless every morning and he didn't.

It took them almost thirty minutes to get out of their room.
It had already taken them about twenty minutes to get ready, than it took ten more minutes to wait for Malfoy who was still doing his beauty routine.
Hermione used this time to study a bit for their upcoming transfiguration chapter which was to be read in class and she knew professor would expect them all to read it.

Apart from that, they were still yet to know who their new potions teacher would be.Although it was an emotional topic, mcgonagall had told them that their new potions professor would arrive by the week.

Apparently, Ginny and Blaise were in the middle of a fight when they came down...
"Oh god Blaise! Do you not understand? Your mother just can't force me like that okay? And why can't you explain it to her? I'm not ready and even though I understand why she's like this, it freaks me out!"

"I tried okay? But she won't budge! Stop trying to blame everything on me!"


"WAIT.What's the matter?" Hermione interrupts them in between, her loud voice startling both of them.
Malfoy who was cooly seated on the couch behind her raised an eyebrow at Blaise, curious to know what was going on.

"His mother won't stop pressuring me about the wedding and our relationship ! She doesn't understand! I'm not ready for this!" Ginny whines loudly enough to catch the attention of Harry and Luna, who were walking down the stairs from their room as well and Pansy, who was calling Ron out from their room.

Pansy comes down,
"I warned you about her.She's just like that.She gets excited."

Hermione had remembered how Pansy had warned both her and Ginny about Malfoy and Zabini's mothers.
Although Hermione just ignored everything along with her freak outs and Malfoy was quite supportive, it seemed that Ginny wasn't having it...

"Well, I'm not tolerating this! Tell me when you've understood what I mean zabini!"

With that, ginny had stormed out of the common room and off to her classes for the day...

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