Chapter 57: Mrs. Zabini

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"Can we not?"

"No gin, we need to."

"Your mother will hate me for this."

He looks down at her. "No she won't, not if she cares about us, and if she says anything too much she won't be hearing from us until she behaves." Blaise replies with a stoic face.

She nods and that is just when the door opens up to reveal a very happy face.
It was of course, Yemaya zabini.

"Darlings! Welcome again! Please come in!"

As they were seated on the large sofas, surrounded by Mrs. Zabini's grand walls onto which hung portraits of one of the richest pureblood families in italy whoch were the zabinis themselves and intricate paintings and decorations.Ginny could see that Yemaya had a great taste in furniture too, for the zabini mansion was an example itself.This was the first time she had been here as her first meeting with Mrs. Zabini was at a restaurant just like what had been with Hermione.

"Now, tell me.Ginny, did you like the dress I sent you? Fabulous isn't it dear?"

Ginny tensed up a bit, she really didn't want to go against the woman.Yemaya had this stare that made her just blurt out. "Yeah-Yes I did but-

"Mother, I suggest you don't talk about the dress.Because it isn't of any use now."

Yemaya's smile dropped in a matter of milliseconds and she had this confused look on her face.

"Mother, this wedding is not happening."

"But-what are you talking Blaise?  The wedding is in seven weeks.Everything is settled." Mrs zabini replied stonily.

"How dare you plan the whole wedding without my consent? Did you not think of even talking to me first, or ginny?" He starts.

"But Blaise, it is an arranged marriage! It is better to settle out sooner-

"No, that doesn't mean you had to go overboard with this idea of yours!"

"But dear-

She remembered her brunette friend's words. You can't not talk to her.You have to do it yourself too you know, don't depend on zabini to say everything.

"Mrs. Zabini, It has hurt me deeply that you would do this." She interrupted them both.

They both went silent and both pairs of eyes were on her. Yemaya's hurt and Blaise's proud eyes.
She took a breath.

"Granted, that the marriage is arranged.But did you ever think how I felt about this? Or how Blaise felt about this? Did you not want to at least let us be a bit comfortable on this? Maybe not to you but in my family, marriage is a big deal.And it has to be done with the consent of both people! And I understand that you're happy, and I am too because I really like blaise, but I don't have to marry to know that! And that is why, I can't do this."

Blaise was grinning at her like a fool, with pride shining in his eyes, while Yemaya looked like she was having an internal war whether to say anything or not.

After a moment of silence and Ginny starting to sweat in nervous at the silence, Yemaya looked up at her and smiled lightly.
"I understand.I'm deeply sorry Ginny, Blaise.I got so carried away in my happiness that Blaise had gotten the perfect girl.A girl like you Ginny, beautiful, smart and certainly not timid.That is exactly what I wanted for my son." She smiled fondly at both the red head and the blue eyed boy.

A very emotional Yemaya than hugged ginny tightly and she returned it.

And Blaise couldn't be happier, couldn't feel luckier and couldn't feel prouder at her.His girl.

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