Chapter 73: Butterflies- Litterally.Two were red.One was yellow.

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It had been a few weeks since Christmas and everything was happy and well.It was now mid January.

Draco Malfoy was casually walking around Diagon alley looking for a very particular shop...
"Hello young man, long time no see!"

He swiftly turned around to see a familiar man of about 60 with a big smile on his cheerful face.
"Good morning, Sir.I was just infact looking for your shop."

"Oh it's been relocated boy, come here, I'll show you and we can have tea!"

Malfoy really wasn't onto the idea of tea at three in the afternoon, but he wouldn't intervene between the old man's plans, he seemed way too happy to have company.

"So young man, why were you looking for me?" The old man, whose name Draco did not know yet, asked with an amused glint in his eye, sipping his tea with pleasure.

"Uh- yes,sir-

"Oh pardon me! my name is Gerard! Please call me that."

"Okay, Gerard, I wanted to....."


Hermione was also casually walking around hogsmeade with Ginny and Pansy.They had asked luna but she couldn't come due to her and Harry going out the same time.As usual.

They had decided to treat themselves to a day of pampering....but not before devouring a load in the three broomsticks!

"Guys, I think we should go to honeydukes too after this, I need some of their cauldron cake." Ginny stated thoughtfully.

"Isn't this your third time this week buying cauldron cake? Merlin, how much do you eat! We're going to spend the whole day here so you better get it later, you don't want that burden now." Pansy replied, reminding Hermione that Pansy had planned to be here the whole day.

"You know Pansy, I will always hate you if we spend the whole day here." Hermione stated, trying to seem intimidating.
But she wasn't a Slytherin, it was impossible for her to seem scary!

"I can't remember when I cared- I don't! Hermy, even if you hate me, I will always love you." Pansy laughed, clearly not taking Hermione seriously.

She just earned a deep sigh from Hermione, who knew when it came to going out, Pansy would make sure they spent the whole day here and there was absolutely nothing you could do about to when a Slytherin has stated something.

"You know, I've actually also dragged you here because I want advise." Pansy continued.

"Advise in how to propose to Ron I assume?" Ginny joked, laughing along with Hermione but Pansy didn't laugh.

Instead, she was surprised. "How'd you know?"

Ginny and Hermione immediately stopped in their tracks.
"Wait, what?"

"I, am going to propose to Ron next month." Pansy stated calmly.

There was a moment of silence as pansy awkwardly shifted her weight from one foot to the other and ginny and Hermione kept quiet, not knowing what to say.

Hermione was the first to speak. "Well, we're surprised that's all, but I think it's a great idea."

Pansy grinned at Hermione. "I know...I can wait for Ron to propose but, I think it is the right time.I think I-I actually,

"You love him, don't you?" Ginny interrupted her.

Pansy sighed with a slight smile. "Yes.I love him.I want to propose to show him the love he has given me.And...why not?"

"That's my witch! Pansy, that is a great idea.Hermione and I will help you!" Ginny exclaimed, clearly excited.

"Yeah well, I needed ring advice and ideas on how and where to propose to him." Pansy stated.


Draco had just come out of the old ma- Gerald's old but very mystical shop at the edge of the street and had the biggest grin he could muster on his face.

He felt so happy, he forgot how to stay classy as a few girls just ogled at him, obviously since he was basically eye candy, but instead of trying to ignore them and stay stoic, Draco Malfoy continued to grin widely at no one in particular as he chose a place to apparate.

He felt butterflies.

He looked up to see three butterflies just floating around his head.Two were red and one was yellow.

He smiled at them. Even they're happy.

And then, Draco Malfoy apparated to their dorm, planning to read a book as usual until Hermione got back as he knew she wouldn't be back till later the day.


It was five in the evening, and the three girls were done going to multiple places to get themselves done.
Now, it was time for Pansy's work.

An hour more later,
Pansy wasn't done being indecisive with the rings yet, they had been through accurately, 3 shops ad half and she still couldn't choose, but Ginny was convinced this was the shop.

"Madam, if you mind, would you explain to me exactly whom you want to choose a ring for and what do they like?"

Pansy nodded. "I'm planning to propose to my boyfriend soon and he likes warm colours, plays quidditch and prefers smaller things in general." Pansy replied.

The young woman smiled. "I see, you know him very well.I may be able to help you madam, I think I have the perfect set of rings right here...."

Pansy grinned, maybe it really was the shop.
Ginny gave her a thumbs up and Hermione a warm encouraging smile.
It was better if Pansy got to choose herself.

"I'll be back guys!"

With that, Pansy walked into the other doorway of the rather large shop, leaving Hermione and Ginny alone.
After she was out of sight,
"Hey, what do ya' say we go out until Pansy comes back?" Ginny suggested, seeing a tree in front of the glass doors of shop.

Hermione nodded. "Sure." as they walked out in the fresh air and saw the beautiful orange sunset in front of them.
"You know, sunsets are my favourite times of the day." Hermione whispered more to herself.

"You know Hermy, I wanted to say thank you."

Hermione turned to her best friend. "What? Why?"

"For just being there for me when I needed it, I just feel like saying thank you." Ginny said earnestly.

Hermione didn't reply, but he features said everything as she warmly smiled at the red head.

Just then, she felt something.


Ginny giggled as Hermione looked up to see three butterflies hovering over her head like she was a flower!
Two were red and one was yellow.

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