Chapter 15: Day 2 of the trip (part 2)

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"let's go then." Potter smiles as they are the last ones to come.

Me and blaise get up.

The girls are already ahead of us and into the pool.
Then,pansy swirled her wands and drinks appear on floating plates.
We each take one.
Me and blaise are the last ones to dip in.

Hoenstly,I'm still not done with staring at granger.
I examine the three girls very closely and so does blaise.

Just then weasel appears too.

"Hi weasley." Pansy greets him in a rather monotonous voice.
I'll need to ask pansy on her and weasleby's relationship.
I feel really bad for her,the weasle isn't someone she would've liked in a million years.

Hi pansy.
"I just wanted to tell you all,I'm leaving venice in 3 hours.I need to talk to professor mcgonagall about...uh um-something." He stutters.

I watch him rather closely.He looks like he doesn't want anyone to know what 'talking' he wants to do.But it definitely doesn't seem good at all.
So I decide to do something malfoy-ish later today....

"Okay weasley." Pansy answers when no one does.

He stares straight at granger then.

"Looking good Hermione." He smiles.
I feel something in my stomach as he stares at her.

Granger doesn't budge.She just stares at him blankly.

The weasle get's uncomfortable with everyone staring at him and he waves awkwardly before turning and walking away.

I then realise,making him uncomfortable was what granger had been doing.
That was quite a smart thing to do.

Potter sighs.Every thing goes back to normal after that.

I occasionally keep glancing at granger,wanting to say something but not knowing what.I couldn't just go there without a purpose could I?

She was so busy talking to pansy,weaslette and lovegood that I got away with all of the stares.
She occasionally moved her hair out of her face and bit her lip.
That was a gesture I had noticed quite often when she was deep in thought.

It was mostly during 6th year that she bit her lip often.

A moment later blaise and potter nudge me.


"We just had a whole conversation and you didn't even participate! Ten points from Malfoy!".         
(I meant to say,that malfoy was used as a house,so no,I didn't miss the 'slytherin' part between 'from' and 'malfoy')

"What about? Sorry I was distracted." I reply blankly.

"With what?....or whom?" Blaise wiggles his eyebrows.

Potter smiles.

"With the-the view of course! Are you dumb?" I snap quickly.

Blaise sniggers while potter grins and laughs.
I go closer to them and splash the, with the water.Hard.
They immediately spit out a gallon of water and breathe.

"What was that for malfoy?!" Potter scowls.

"Because we read his mind obviously." Blaise grins at me.
I glare at him.Hard.
He looks away quickly and shivers.

I smirk after that gesture.If I could scare someone as fatherly as Blaise,then that glare must be something.

Just then I hear a splash from the other side of the pool.

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