Chapter 41: Cute

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It was Saturday that day and Hermione strangely woke up with arms pulling her to something.
She opened her eyes and looked around slightly to see that the 'thing' was actually Mr. ferret himself.

He'd misunderstood her as his new teddy bear it seemed.With his arms around her waist and head nuzzled deep into her neck.But all she could see was white hair.It reminded her of white fur.Like a ferret's.

The thought actually made her giggle at how cute it was.Since she'd seen a cuter side of malfoy, blushing yesterday, it was easier and funnier to imagine.

However, her giggling woke the ferr-I mean, Malfoy up.He stirred a bit before his eyes opened up and he processed his surroundings and realised what he was doing and slightly pulled away.
"Oh-uh...I didn't realise..." He gets up, leaving her with an amused look at how bashful he was at the moment.

"It's fine Malfoy.Apparently, I'm going to get you a teddy bear for christmas this year." She speaks, enjoying the look on his face.
Still pretty embarrassed and not fully woken up, he replies. "So funny granger." And gets up to go fresh himself up.

A few moments later, both of them had freshened up, had their daily does a caffeine and were ready to go to breakfast when they heard a knock on their door.
Hermione opens it up to see a houself from the kitchen she had yet to meet up with, smiling at her with a platter in her hand.
"Hi! I'm Daisy ma'am, honoured to meet you,Daisy has to thank you for your service to us ma'am! The great hall is currently prohibited to enter today as per headmistress's orders, so we're taking everyone's breakfast to their dorms today.Have a nice day miss! Sorry, I'll have to go."

Before Hermione could reply, Daisy had handed her two platters and disappeared.Sadly, she wasn't able to thank the houself for her kind words,but she shrugged it off and brought the platters into the room, followed by Malfoy's confused eyes.
"The great hall is closed for today, mcgonagall's orders." She explains, earning an "oh,okay." from Malfoy.

An hour later, they had discovered that no one except for Blaise and ginny were in their rooms.Luna and Harry had gone on their date which was scheduled today and Pansy and Ron were yet to be discovered, which strangely got Hermione curious to see what they were upto.

And you can only imagine the annoyance zabini was,pestering everyone about where and what they could be doing.
Honestly, Hermione couldn't blame him now, even she was beginning to wonder where the hell Ron and Pansy often disappeared off to.

"For god's sake Blaise! Would you shut up now?" Ginny had enough of his panicking now.

The boy sighs. "Fine.You're right ginny.I shouldn't be worrying." He replies back, but all three of them could see he had just said that to not offend ginny.Even the red head could see that.So she sighs, going closer to Zabini with a softer look.Hermione and Malfoy watching both of them quietly.

"Look Blaise, Pansy and Ron are stuck together.And I don't know what secrets you and Malfoy are keeping about Pansy from the rest of us but whatever it is, I can assure you, I've known Ron since the day I was borned! I know he's not all bad! Admit it, you've done much worse things, but you seeked redemption.And even though he doesn't show it, and he hurt Hermione so bad, broke the golden trio apart, he is seeking redemption from us! You gotta admit it, that Pansy actually seems happy!"

Blaise had been staring at the blue-eyed weasley the whole time, his eyes had softened and he nodded.
You're right.I'm sorry I didn't see that right away...

Ginny nods, leaning towards him even more, so that their faces were only centimetres apart.Not caring that Hermione and Malfoy were watching, they leaned in and kissed.

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