Chapter 5: Working the schedule

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*5 days later*

"WakeupwakeupwakeupwakeUP Hermione!"
I wake up groaning loudly to see a raven hair and red head staring at me excitedly.

"what? How in the name of merlin did you get in?" I growl.I'm usually a morning person, but this was still too early for me.

"Malfoy let us in forget that,WE HAVE TO GO DRESS SHOP!" Pansy yells at my face.

"Aw! I forgot!" I pretend to look confused.Ha.I knew perfectly well we had to go today, but I was kind of hoping they wouldn't even come to get me.
"Well,we didn't so get ready,come to breakfast with us and get ready to spend the whole day in diagon alley!" Ginny grins.

"But we have the whole day! The ball is tomorrow!" I protest

"No buts! Get ready or we'll force you to,you need a date and you rejected all of the like what.....9? 10? boys that asked you! Who do you plan to go with mione? I think Corner was a good one." Pansy says thoughtfully.

"I don't Know,and it's not compulsory to go with a date,it's a masquerade ball for gods sake pansy!" I growl again.First of all, I just wasn't comfortable going with someone for some reason.I just didn't feel like it,

"Okay,okay fine but we want you ready in 5 minutes now!" Ginny instructs as she pushes me into the bathroom.

fifteen minutes later I come out of the shower all dressed nicely in a full-sleeved white jumpsuit with a brown belt,my hair in conditioned and in nice curls.But however,ginny and pansy are dressed more fancier than me with flowy knee length dresses and makeup on them,I don't like makeup though.It makes your face look like a painting,so I stick to mascara and lip gloss and my favourite flower-smelling perfume.

We head down to the living where malfoy is sitting on the couch reading.He looks up at my sullen face and giggles.Giggles.I never thought the day would come where THE malfoy would giggle.Hmph,maybe my face looks that amusing?

"What did you two do to get her to be growling?" He grins

"Nothing much,shoved her into the bathroom to get ready and forced her to spend the whole day in diagon alley to look for dresses."
Pansy and Ginny reply.

"I see...let me warn you,if you're going with pansy she won't let you come back till midnight.So I'll do the rounds for you today"
Malfoy chuckles,clearly enjoying my misery.

I groan very loudly making him chuckle more.Pansy rolls her eyes and ginny giggles.
Just as we're about to get out something crashes into the window and comes right in yelling "MAAAAAAAALFOY!"
The once attached pieces of the glass falling everywhere on the ground, earning a shriek form pansy.

"Why did you have to break the window zabini! What do we have a fucking door for then?" Malfoy growls.

Zabini turns bright red as he sees us. "I didn't know the password!" He defends.

I roll my eyes. "You don't need the password zabini.You could just tell the portrait your name!" I remind him.

"Okay,okay fine granger.I'm sorry. But it's really urgent malfoy! You haven't gotten a suit and a mask yet!" He shrieks like a girl.

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