Chapter 38: Dates and broomsticks

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They were down in the hall in a few minutes, dreading to even have to look at the man on the podium.

"Hello to all my students!" Kingsley started sharing a mysterious look with professor Mcgonagall.

He continues:
"Today, as gratitude for your constant cooperation with the new - and as a wise person states- absurd law, We would like to host a grand feast! I'm sure you all are tired after your  journey back, so fill up!"

Fill up? They wanted to invite students for a feast? What for? Hermione looked onto the table,filled with delicious food.

This was so suspicious.
They apparated and there was no need to be tired.And why the heck would they need to host a feast?  Malfoy had his doubts as well.

Anyways, they were quite hungry so without voicing out their doubts, they quickly dove into the delicious feast.

None of them suspecting anything.

The finished filling up quietly for some reason.No one spoke a word as an uncomfortable silence arose.The minister of magic was staring at each one of them.

"I feel so good after this." Ron slurped, much to everyone's disgust.

"Ron seriously! That's gross!" Pansy exclaimed.

"Looks like Ron has a new Hermione." Thought Hermione, grinning to herself as ahe thought about how familiar that dialogue was with her.

There was a moment of silence before,
"Oh pansy, love! I'm sorry." Ron yells suddenly and much to pansy's shock.
The whole hall turns ot look at both of them and them only, staring like hawks and waiting for pansy's reply, half of them expecting her to lash out of him and some expecting a whole make out session.

"Oh-uh.It's-alright.Ron." Pansy replies, blushing.

"What.Did he.Say." Blaise whispers, clearly pissed off.
He had always despised Ron and it just helped his protective side for his friend to increase.

"Shush Blaise." Malfoy replies from beside him, continuing to eat like nothing had happened between the weasle and his best friend.
Although Hermione could bet she saw him clench his fork harder with his long and slender pale hand.She was sure she was the only one who noticed that and wondered why he didn't give any reactions to Pansy and Ron's relationship.
Malfoy had always been a boy with mystery.

There was silence for a moment as the Headmistress and The Minister grinned.
"Impressive Minerva, I must say, I've underestimated you!"

"Thank you Kingsley.I told you so." Minerva replies back, pleased with herself.

"Mhmm" A moan.
Then,much to their shock, they turn around and see a very smiling Seamus Finnegan and a blushing Hannah Abbott.

"Did they just kiss?" A girl next to them giggled.

What was going on? Hermione couldn't wrap her head over the fact that two people who didn't like each other just kissed.

So they all just decided to eat and left the hall.

On their way out, Blaise couldn't stop glaring at Ron and pansy, who were stealing glances at eachother and blushing as they got caught.Blaise thought it was so childish, besides he still didn't like Ron at all, and pansy being so....un-pansyish for him was just too much.
He wondered why Malfoy wasn't reacting to them.

"I'm tired, I'm going straight to bed when we reach our dorm." Ginny yawned, catching Blaise's attention.
He smirked, "Mind if-

She glared hard at him. "DON'T you dare finish that sentence of zabini, I'm sick of these pickup lines!" Shutting him up immediately and he looks away sheepishly as pansy giggles from next to Ron, who smiled at her.

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