Chapter 28: Morning walk

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Hermione's P.O.V

I woke up to find two hands around my waist gripping my it tightly,clutching me closer to something...
I looked behind me to see malfoy.

Out of mild shock,I got up quickly but made sure not to wake him up to save me from the embarrassment.
Why aren't we on our own sides of the bed?

I'm so sure that I was at the corner last did I end up on the middle with malfoy all over me?

I shiver once and take a good look at his face.
His golden locks covering some part of his angelic face.

I remember how close we were last night.He smelled and lemons.
I quickly hurry that thought out of my head and walk into the bathroom with my clothes.

 I quickly hurry that thought out of my head and walk into the bathroom with my clothes

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I came out all fresh to see malfoy awake.

"Morning granger."

"Morning malfoy."

"Sleep well?" He looks pretty awkward.

I smile. "Yeah." I realise I'm a bit breathless myself.

"I'm going for a walk,wanna have the pleasure to come with me?" He smirks arrogantly.

"Wouldn't be so sure about the 'pleasure' part but..." I check the time,it was still 7:30.

"Why not." I finish.

"Great,you've just signed yourself up for a rather pleasurable walk with the most crushable person you've ever met." He jokes arrogantly.

"More like the most arrogant person I've met." I mumble rolling my eyes.

"I heard that granger!" He calls from behind me.

"You were meant to." I can't help but smile.

He chuckles from behind me but hides it quickly.

I come out of the room and then malfoy.
We walk over to the elevators and get in quietly.

We stay in the lift in silence looking everywhere but at each other.
As the lift door opens the awkward atmosphere fades away a bit again.

We walk out and I decide to speak.
But weirdly,malfoy found the same time to talk.
"So" We both start at the same time.

I chuckle and he grins.
"You go first." I tell him.

"I've been wondering...what's a..cop?" He asks.

I do all I can to not laugh. "Um-muggle aurors? Except,they aren't that important they deal with normal crimes not really murders and all that." I reply.

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