Chapter 71: Perfume

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After they had all left the Grangers with hugs and kisses and warmth being passed around, spent the other day at the weasleys and that way, celebrated christmas with both the Grangers and weasleys.Gifts were opened, tears were shed with molly and her willingness to accept Pansy as a member of the weasley family and some more gifts, they had decided to open in their remaining presents dorms when they got back.

He must admit, Draco found it hard to adapt to the natural homeliness which the Gryffindors were used to, and so did his friends.They found it slightly uncomfortable but heartwarming.

But sometimes, change is good if not beautiful.

Now, they were back in their dorms and opening presents which they had got for each other and had decided to open after reaching back.

Hermione had gotten a lot of wonderful things from her group of friends.
An amazing pair of boots from pansy who had sheepishly smiled when Hermione gave her a 'really?' look.Everyone in the dorm knew Hermione had at least 5 pairs already.
A star shaped pendant from Ginny.
A very unusual but beautiful vial of blue crystal clear glowing liquid from luna, which Luna told her she would tell the use for in the right time.So even though Hermione was confused, she didn't persist.Luna was Luna, and she appreciated it.
A beautiful set of unearthly quills from Harry which she didn't understand how he got his hands on and he refused to tell her when she asked, much to her annoyance.
A very pretty coat from Blaise that was exactly her taste, she wondered who helped him buy it.Maybe Ginny?
And lastly. she opened Ron's present to her as he cautiously looked at her open it.

Actually, the whole room was staring at her.
She took an inaudible breath and opened it to see a very intricately designed vial in front of her eyes.
A perfume.

She felt Draco's eyes just slither away from her and stare at Ron fixedly, since her was sitting right next to her.

She raised an eyebrow at no one in particular.Where was Ron getting with this?...
But he seemed to be waiting for something.

Then she saw it.

There was a note hung onto the delicate neck of the bottle with a vintage piece of string.

She took it and read it quietly.
"To my best friend: Hermione."

She smiled, instantly remembering the perfume he had gifted her years ago.
She took a sniff of it and grinned at Ron who seemed hopeful.

"It's smells very unusual,Ron."

Instantly, her red headed friend grinned like an idiot.A very big one.

Everyone but Harry was confused, but neither of the 'golden trio' explained.It simply wouldn't make sense to word it out.

"I hope you like it." Ron shrugged.

"I like it very much.And you're my best friend, so you should've known better than this!" Hermione broke the silence by laughing.

"You know Hermione, you should actually use it this time." Harry commented between stifling his laugh.

He hadn't expected Ron to actually feel so guilty after what he did, and Harry missed his best friend so much.But after that day when he had said that Ron had broken up the golden trio and  officially made it clear that Ron and him weren't friends anymore, he'd have to talk to the red head too.

Draco on the other hand, Harry noticed, was busy staring emotionlessly at both Ron and Hermione and inwardly grinned.
Someone feels left out.

Harry then suddenly felt stifled with how different their lives were now.Draco fucking Malfoy felt jealous over Hermione Fucking granger? In only a matter of a few months? Surely, things couldn't get crazier.

But sometimes, crazy is good too.

After that exchange of presents, Hermione was delighted and Draco told her that he'd give her her present in their room since it was a surprise and Hermione just smiled at him in response and said sure, earning a smug grin from him to no one in particular.

The youngest Malfoy was sure he'd have the greatest present in the Room.

Hermione then told him, that it wouldn't be fair if she had to give it now, so she then too decided to do the same.And so, both of them would gift eachother in their rooms.

Of course, all the others wanted to do this as well, and so after some hugs and goodnights, the dorm mates then headed to their rooms.



It's been sooooo long! I completely neglected this and I feel so bad because I love this book so much.

Anyways, I hope you all are doing great, and I love you all for taking your time to read this despite the slow updates.
So thanks for reading, the next update will be VERY VERY soon, maybe tomorrow, maybe two days? Soon.

your author

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