Chapter 31: Derek guy

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A/n: Guys,that was actually a gif but it just won't animate when I add it up here👆🏻
Okay,Enjoy the chapter!
Draco's P.O.V
She opened the door.

"" She looks surprised.

The mystery person chuckles. "Surprise!"

Suddenly, she hugs the person tightly. This made my curiosity go even higher.

Who was this person?

"Oh god come in."

Suddenly,a pretty good looking raven haired boy comes in.

Suddenly,a pretty good looking raven haired boy comes in

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I eye him curiously.                                 (Guys,please pray for me,I think I might just start shipping this guy👆🏻with hermione.)

"Okay Malfoy,this is Derek.Derek,this is Mal-"

"Draco malfoy?" He interrupts grinning at her.

Oh.So this was the Derek guy she was talking about yesterday.Her best friend.
But how does he know me? I've never even seem him before.

"How'd you know?" Granger questions.

"Harry told me." He explains.

"You met harry on the way here?"


"Anyways,I thought you were coming tomorrow?" She questions.

"Yeah,I lied." He chuckles

She grins.

He eyes me and says.

"So,your school was affected by the law to huh?"

Granger's smile slightly droops. "Yeah,yours too?"

"And here I thought it was only Ilvermorny." He chuckles.

She shakes her her.

A few moments passed,they were talking and I observed this guy carefully.
He seemed to be really fond of Granger.

That's when zabini and Weaslette came in.

"Hi-is that Derek guy?" Weaslette smirks.

"Hello ginger." Derek greets weaslette.              (A/n: It's ginger not Granger.Read it right.)

"Hi." She greets back.

Blaise sits down next to me.
"Who is this guy huh?" He whispers.

"Apparently,he's granger's best friend." I tell him back.


"So,how're you doing?" Weaslette sits down.

"very well actually." He replies.

"Still the douchbag?" She grins.

"Yup,still the douchbag." He replies smirking.

"Keep an eye out boy,we're competing now.And I already have the title for her "best friend'." Weaslette looks him in the eye.

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