Chapter 44: Smiling Salazar

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She was right, it was indeed a magical date.Not only was the place extremely unheard of and fascinating, even to Malfoy but they'd spent the whole time talking about things she'd never talk about with any other person.Not even ginny, she was too girly and unrelatable.
And harry didn't have a clue about anything except for quidditch and the current news.

And Ron, while she was talking to him, he be drop dead honest was kind airhead? But he was an extremely great friend while he wasn't cheating on her but hey-there are other factors aside from intelligence and loyalty right?

But Malfoy didn't even try to direct the conversation to only himself.It was like meeting just another version of herself.And it made her realise infact how similar yet opposites they were, a complicated mixture even she couldn't understand.

Malfoy too, couldn't get his head over the fact that he'd never met someone like Hermione granger.He was a very reserved and guarded person.And it took years of knowing and being in the same house to get anything out of him.But he wondered how this girl managed to not only get so close to him,break his guard down, and make him laugh and grin,which he hadn't done for more than a year now.
And on top of that, she was a Gryffindor.

"You know, this is better than I thought it'd be." Hermione was the first one to admit.
He smiles at her in reply, now knowing she was thinking the same thing.

"What? You used occulemency on me or what?" She blinks at him, something telling her that there was something behind that smile.
Honestly,she was desperately wanting to ask him how he learned something as difficult and sacredly torturous,but she assumed it would have bad memories along with it so she suppressed her question deep into her.

"You know Grangie, I've never talked to anyone like this.Nor have I ever considered being so open and friendly to a Gryffindor." He admits.
"However,I don't know what spell you've used on me but I feel like I should. I have, you're the first person to get this side of me.And I'm not mad about it.
And I don't know what sorcery this is but I wouldn't mind answering your questions you know."

He admits, only then looking right into her eyes, which were staring at the side of his face all this time, bringing his hands up to cup her cheeks.
For a moment, they stay like that.

...Before Hermione breaks into a grin and a smirk. "You used it again didn't you?" It came out more like a sound of annoyance.

He laughs again. "Couldn't help it Grangie."
She rolls her eyes. "Yeah right Malf-

"GRANGER." He correct himself, distaste clearly on his face, making her laugh softly, on how much he hated the word, 'malfie'.
"I found it very cute though.Mal-

"Questions? 5 questions for now." He interrupts her again.
She rolls her eyes, "I was going to say Malfoy."

"Oh." Was his reply, as she thinks of the first question she could ask him.
"Uh.Okay, here's an easy one, what's your patronus?"

"Patronus?...It's an albino peacock." He replies, a bit lost in thought.

"That's not surprising very much.You keep them in front of the Malfoy manor." She mutters back, earning a small grin from him.
"Oh yeah, mother loves them." He replies, shrugging.

"Okay...then uh-what's your favourite subject here?" She asks hesitantly, face palming herself for suddenly not knowing what question to ask.
He laugh. "Seriously granger? After all you could ask me in 5 questions, you really want to waste a whole question on my favourite subject?"

She crosses her arms. "Well, in my defence, you just told me to ask questions out of no where.I didn't even get time to prepare some!"

"Fine, what if I give you till tonight to prepare? Oh, and it's potions." He replies, smirking.

"And that won't even ruin the moment." He replies mysteriously.
What the actual hell? Had he known how deep some of her questions were? That bloody ferret...

"Whatever..." She huffs,annoyed he was still trying occulemency on her...

"Did you ever know now cute that is?" He fawns, gesturing to her scrunched up nose and crossed arms, like a child.
"Yeah,you did." She refers to their stuck moment two days ago.

"Well,I'd like to repeat that." He replies softly.
"You are just adorable sometimes." He repeats brushing his nose over her scrunched up one,immediately getting a reaction as she retreats her nose back to it's original place, cheeks red at the flattering moment.
And wasn't it so cliché this was a date?

"You flatter me too much Malfoy." Was her soft but clear reply.
"Oh no.I always mean what I say." He laughs back, continuing to flirt, mainly because he liked the feeling of being able to laugh.
He wanted to just flirt aimlessly, spend time with her, and enjoy laughing.It was about the only time he laughed.

Honestly, at this point, he just laughed too much and it's was a new concept to him.He laughed literally every word she said!
"So believable."
They were teasingly close as heck by this moment, both of them smirking, and tension still rising as both of them chose to ignore it.Until they could not.
At last, both of them failed to ignore it.

He leaned completely in and claimed her lips once more, like he had the last time, beating her to it,who had been leaning in as well.
His hands pulling onto her waist and her hands travelling up to his shoulder, the enchanting background glimmer suddenly as the sunset went deeper into the trees surrounding them, creating a view one would see in a movie or read in a book.
It was one, you would not want to miss.

Both of them pulled back out of breath, blushing furiously.Even Malfoy! He knew it was time...

"You know, I've been meaning to ask you something..." He spoke up, catching her attention once more and she looked back to him.
"Yeah?" Curiously peering at Malfoy who leaned away, running his hand into her hair a bit and then clutching her hand

...And he was speaking again.
"Now, I know this may be a bit too soon for you,but I just know it's time.And I can't deny it anymore. And, I think I want to admit it, but it's been almost a month since we were paired together, about a week and a half since we kissed for the first time and  this is about the first few times I've laughed in about a year.So, Grangie, will you be my girlfriend?"

He finished with a sigh, letting it all out to a silent Hermione.

"Really Malfoy? YES. Of course!"
Was he kidding? Too soon? Anyone could see in her eyes how happy she was for the past week! They were getting along so well.

He grins like a child on christmas and leans in to kiss her once again out of happiness, surprising her.
The moon which had lit up the sky shining bright as the beauty around them silently smiling at the couple, blessing them.They flowers on the tress glittering unusually, representing rowena and salazar, somehow familiar to Hermione,and Draco.

"Let's get going now." Malfoy grips her hand again, as she smiles back at him.

"We'e later than we should've been...but look at that." She points over to the image of a smiling Rowena and Salazar on the middlemost tree.

He smiles, knowing the place was enchanted.It was guarded by charms and things no one but Salazar and Rowena could have thought of.
But that was the first time he had seen the head of his house smile like that.

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