Chapter 14: Day 2 of the trip (part 1)

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Hermione's P.O.V

I woke up on my side of the bed.It is 6:00 am now.
I looked around as if to adjust to my surroundings,and the first thing I saw was a peaceful looking platinum-blonde on the other side of the bed.
I quickly but slowly get up as to not wake him up.

I go in the bathroom and brush my teeth,take a shower and get ready for the day.
We plan to be swimming today just right after breakfast so I put on a simple blue collared dress for now that I would take with me to change after swimming.

Then,I come out and sort out my purse which includesA pair of black sunglasses,my muggle phone,A pair of earphones,my wand,the dreamless sleep potion,A bar of chocolate and a pair of spare clothes

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Then,I come out and sort out my purse which includes
A pair of black sunglasses,my muggle phone,A pair of earphones,my wand,the dreamless sleep potion,A bar of chocolate and a pair of spare clothes.
And all that was shrunk into a purse this small:

And all that was shrunk into a purse this small:

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That's when malfoy wakes up.At 7:30.
He looks around until he sees me.
"Good morning Granger." He greets me.

"Good morning malfoy." I greet back.

He gets up and get's ready for the day.
I gotta admit,platinum blonde and black go great together.
I just complimented malfoy.Is this good or bad?

I can feel him staring at the back of my head as I wait for him to finish up so we can leave for breakfast.

"Granger,Let's go?" He hints he's ready.

"Yeah sure."  I get up and we leave together.

We go into the common room to find Pansy,blaise,,ginny and harry already there.
"Where are the others?"I ask them.

"Luna is coming in a moment."

"Weasley is...he's here."Pansy looks over at the corridor to see a red head walking towards us.
He's dressed very nice.He has a smirk on and he looks very professional.

"Hello everyone." He greets us.
But he specifically looks at me.Not that I didn't expect anything, but what was on with him?

I think malfoy realised this as he looks at Ron with a raised eyebrow.
"You look rather good today weasley." Malfoy smirks.

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