chapter 2:Hogwarts

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***(Timelapse to platform 9 3/4)***

"I can't believe I'm here." He tells blaise.

"Mate please don't think about that stuff."

"What stuff blaise?"

"You know exactly what."

"I don't blaise..." He replies, looking away.

I tell him but he gives Malfoy the  "I-know-when-you-are-lying look"

He never wanted to see this silly excuse of a school ever again.But what could he do? mother always got the most out of  him she could, she's the most dramatic person Draco ever knew.

"Anyways,I have to go meet the headgirl with mcgonagall blaise" Malfoy waves to the other slytherin,changing the topic.

"okay malfoy." he replies and the blonde heads off to the place where mcgonagall had told him to be present at, cursing to himself on his way.
He really hoped it wasn't Millicent bulstrode or lavender brown or someone like that. He didn't at all need another tramp to annoy the hell out of him.He was already pissed.

He reaches the point of the station and waits for the headmistress.
Merlin, he got so impatient at one point.

Suddenly he sees the headmistress walking towards him and next to a curly haired brunette.
Oh merlin.Way to go mcgonagall, trying to ruin his last year at hogwarts.

She looks at Malfoy with shock in her eyes.Clearly she didn't expect him to come back.Then her glare softens and mcgonagall starts speaking.
"now miss granger,mr. malfoy will be the headboy with you.Now I know you both don't have a very good past but I want you to know the mr.malfoy has changed and I want you to give him a chance."

Who was she kidding? If this woman had some sense to what she was saying, she wouldn't put it to granger to 'give him a chance'.
He didn't need it.And he wouldn't get it.

Granger was still staring and It was getting really awkward at one point.Mcgonagall was staring at both of them.
He expected that she was waiting of them to make up.
So he raises his hand and brings it forward for granger to shake, not even expecting her to return it.

She stares at it for a moment before shaking it slowly.He feels something in his stomach.Probably regret.
Probably not what you'd think it was.

Then mcgonagall speak again:
"Now here is a list of the things you need to do.There are 24 prefects,6 from each house, sort them out and give them tasks to do.You will be minding three schools:Beauxbatons,hogwarts and durmstrang. So I expect it will be hard for you two but I know I can count on both of you.Now here you go."

she finishes, giving a copy of the tasks to each of them.

Both of them take it and she walks away.I look at granger.She looks at Malfoy and he speaks up not wanting to experience the gryffindor's  wrath.
"I'll do beauxbatons, you don't mind doing durmstrang?" His tone was carless and casual.I have a habit of it.

She glares at mr. ferret for a bit before saying "sounds good malfoy."

He then rolls his eyes, to hint that he hadn't given up yet and she gives him another look.
This was going to be a hell of a year.

They wait for the prefects,then finally after approximately 9 minutes of waiting in awkward silence they finally reach both of them.
Grnager stares at her list and than starts speaking.
"alright prefects, you all here  are 24 and we need to split up into 3 groups, one for each school.So that is 8  of you for each school.

Than she motions for Malfoy to say something.

Him? She wanted him to speak now?
"So gryffindor prefects along with you two ravenclaw prefects at durmstrang  and slytherin prefects along with you two hufflepuff prefects at beauxbatons.And you eight together at hogwarts." He says,pairing them up, luckily he was prepared to speak.

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