Chapter 21: Three idiots in the kitchen

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Hermione's P.O.V

I was just watching the boys chatter.Zabini looked quite triumphant and malfoy looked uncomfortable,when a red head just barges in.

What's with these people? There is a door there to knock.
I roll my eyes and get up to see what she wants,her eyes look around for me.

I get inside and raise an eyebrow at the red head.

"Ginny? There is a door there to knock."

She smiles. "Hermione! There you are.We're spending the day in pansy's room c'mon!" She takes my hand and drags me away.

Behind me I see the two boys laughing at the scene and I give a face to them which they return with laughing harder.Ugh.

Finally,ginny releases my hand and we're already in pansy's room.
I see pansy grinning at us.

"Where's luna?" I ask them looking around.

"That's what we're here to tell you!" Ginny exclaims happily.

"Luna and potter are dating!" Pansy squeals.

"What? But they're married." I look at them,obviously confused.

"No,but that was just a law,they actually like each other!" Ginny grins like a fool.

"Wow...that's amazing!" I join the grinning team.

"Luna is at the museum." Pansy explains luna's absence.

"How do you know all this?" I ask.

"I met luna just as she was leaving." Pansy explains proudly.

"Good for them I guess." I smile.

Ginny nods.

"So hermione..." Pansy starts.

"Yeah?" I raise an eyebrow at the sudden greeting

"What's going on with you and draco?" Ginny asks grinning widely as I roll my eyes.

"We're...acquaintances." I reply hesitantly.

"C'mon,you've been that since the start of the year!" Pansy whines.

"You gotta move on! You don't know how perfect the both of you actually are!" Ginny exclaims

"Yeah right..." I scoff,unconvinced.

"Oh hermione,hermione,hermione! That's where you're wrong!
You have fixed your mind on one thought:that you won't get any further than friends! You've gotta open your mind and see the truth!" Ginny exclaims.

"Do you hate draco? Be honest." Pansy looks at me in the eye.

"What? No! I don't hate him...I neve- I don't think I've ever hate anyone except for...bellatrix or...voldemort." I murmur but enough for them to hear.

"Phew.That's really good hermione.So what's the problem? Do you not like him?" Ginny asks me.

Annoyance.That's what I felt.But I had to keep it in me,I wouldn't let my best friends suffer my unreasonably raging annoyance,they just didn't deserve it.
"Do you not understand? We never talked much civil,it's so awkward to be married to someone you're not supposed to be even friends with!" I sigh.

" what you two need is a new start." Pansy nods thoughtfully.

"No,it won't work pans,please don't force it on me." I frown slightly.

"We aren't forcing you 'mione,we're giving both of you a push.You don't even realise what a match you'd make." Ginny defends.

"I'm not going to talk about this alright? What about we do something else?" I suggest hopefully.

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