Chapter 26: Sunsets and game nights. (A/n: Lol,this sounds so cliché)

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Hermione's P.O.V
It was 8:30.
I was bored.I looked around,Venice was an amazing place to be in and I felt like all I did was read and stay with my friends.
So I decided to explore the place a bit.
I put on my boots and just was about to get out when I hear voice behind me.


I look back to see malfoy. "Yes?"

"If you don't mind me asking,where are you going?" He asks me.

"Oh nothing much,just roaming around." I reply with a shrug.

"Do you mind if I join?" He asks to my surprise.

I was actually happy he did because then I'd have some company at least,even though we were still awkward around each other.

"Sure,why not?" I reply as I wait for him.


We walk outside and into the lift in silence before I just cannot take the awkwardness anymore.
I was just about to open my mouth when Malfoy did. Again.And don't get me wrong,I was relieved that he decided to speak before me.

"You know,weaslette actually agreed to make a truce today." He says.

"It must be for a good cause a stubborn person I'd say." I chuckle.

"Just like blaise...I think they make a wonderful couple." Malfoy chuckles.

"Oh yes,Ginny has started to crush on him even though she won't even admit it to herself." I add.

"Blaise won't either,although he's been crushing on her since the war." Malfoy smirks thinking of his friend.

"Well,that's good for both of them." I smile.

"What was your favourite subject in hogwarts?" Malfoy asks suddenly.

"Um...Atronomy,charms or potions.Can't choose really." I shrug.

"Never took you to be a potions person really." He chuckles back.

"That's probably becuase my favourite teacher was professor mcgonagall.But...." I trail of not knowing how to say it really.

"But we only got to know who snape really was when he was dying." Malfoy finishes for me.

I look at him and grin a bit. "It was sad really.We thought him to be a coward,especially harry but then...he turned out to be the bravest among us all."

"I thought he was a deatheater pretending to be on dumbledore's side." Malfoy chuckles.

Surprisingly I admit,talking about all this wasn't making me cry or even feel sad.
There was something about malfoy that made me feel like it was all gone....I liked this feeling alot.
Not being able to feel the sadness,hurt and fear while talking about the war was great and strange at the same time.
Now, it just felt numb.

"It was all so messed up." I conclude.

He nods,looking down as we walk around the pathways,staring at the water beside us.
"Everyone just avoids the topic." He watches his feet.

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