How to get angsty boys 101

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"What? Yachi-san? the volleyball team manager?"

"Yeah, I heard from the other class that she likes one of them."

"No way! haha, she doesn't stand a chance!"

Tsukishima turned to the two girls conversing through the hall. He glared and then sighed hard. It had been only a day since he had might have found out who Yachi liked. Him. Well, he can't say for sure since he had only heard part of the conversation, but it still does not rule him out.

When was it? At the library? Yachi was talking with her friend when the topic of him came out. Her friend had asked what Yachi felt for the boy and the girl hesitated, she was going to answer when Yachi realized he was there. Her flushed face and her stuttering words had confused the boy even more than he already is.

"This is annoying." He muttered to himself, remembering how his heart dropped to the ground when his name was mentioned. How he shivered in fear when Yachi hadn't talked about it anymore, no matter how long he hid behind the bookshelves.

Tsukishima didn't want a girlfriend, scratch that, he didn't want anything to do with love. Years of his reputation that he built, destroyed by a scrawny little girl who had a thing with cold-hearted guys. He grumbled, also feeling bad. He didn't mean to make her like him, she is a nice girl who deserves a nice guy, not Tsukishima Kei. Well, It isn't 100% true, She might have just been flustered at the straightforward question.

Tsukishima grumbled, overthinking. He sighed and tried to forget it. He tried to clear his thoughts as he opened the door to his classroom.

"Tsuki! have you heard? Yachi-san-" Tsukishima grumbled- "Not you too, Yamaguchi." He glared at the guy, sitting in his seat. Yamaguchi eyed his friend, then smiled.

"Why are you so angsty? do you want Yachi-san to like you?" He teased, before he could even laugh, a smack landed right on his shoulder, causing him to scream in agony. Tsukishima rolled his eyes so far back, he thought he might've just made himself blind.

"Shut up Yamaguchi."


"Ah! Tsukishima-" Tsukishima flinched hard, gasping a little when he heard his name getting called by none other than Yachi. The team saw the whole thing and fell into a curious silence. Yachi looked at the male who actually got scared of her. Yachi tilted her head.

"O-Oh, Yachi-san." Tsukishima turned to face her, trying his best to act normal. Yachi relaxed and handed a bottle to him.

"Here you go. Sorry for scaring you." She said with a smile and she walked off, leaving Tsukishima confused with his own actions. He understands that feelings are hard to understand and care for. But why did his heart stop when the girl had shown up out of nowhere. Don't tell him... Does he hate 'love' that much?

Tsukishima nodded, chuckling to himself. 'That's right, Tsukishima. You just hate love so much it scares you. Yes yes.'

"For some reason, whatever he is thinking, it feels wrong," Suga muttered to Daichi, they saw the male humming and nodding to himself. The other seniors nodded. They all got back to training, Tsukishima was less focused than before.

"Tsukishima!" Tanaka shouted at him. Tsukishima flinched back to reality as he was the ball getting nearer to him by the second. He luckily managed to catch it in time, he gritted his teeth, knowing all too well the uncomfortable feeling. He had not properly caught the ball.

"Are you okay?" Tsukishima flinched hard again. There she was, Yachi, right beside him. His throat went dry as he tried to utter a word, but none came out. "Tsukishima-Kun?"

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