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Yachi blinked her eyes open, the sunlight shining on her eyes waking her up. She looked around the unfamiliar room until she remembered. She sat up straight, taking a better look. She saw Shimizu senpai sitting beside her, looking at her worriedly.

"Hitoka! Are you okay? Do you need anything?" The worriedness carried on with her voice. Yachi shook her head, smiling. She recalled her memories. That's right, she was walking to the gym, carrying the new bottles that they received. She was walking right in front of the staircase when she heard a loud shout.

"Yachi-san! Watch out!" She turned to the many volleyballs falling down the staircase, even the basket that held the balls was dropping. That was the last thing she saw before everything blacked out.

"Good thing you didn't get any bruises. A ball hit you... well, many more did and even the basket. I was so worried when I saw you on the ground!" Shimizu said, still checking the girl.

"I-I'm fine now! See?" She stretched her arms, but then flinched. She looked at her hand, she might have sprained her wrists and some fingers, she could already see the bruise on the side of her wrist.

"What is it-" Before Shimizu could say anything else, the infirmary door slammed open, revealing Tsukishima panting hard. He still wore the bright neon jersey from practice. Their eyes met and in a split second, he ran to her. Checking if she was alright.

"Who did this? Actually no- I know that. Are you hurt? Do you feel dizzy? What's my name?? Are you sure you aren't hurt? I'm gonna kill those bastards who-" Yachi grabbed his hands to stop his ramblings. It was rare to see her boyfriend looking so panicked and worried. Tsukishima sighed, relaxing a bit.

"I'm fine Kei! Just a few sprained fingers that's all!" She said, holding up her hands, that's when he saw the growing bruise. He quickly but gently grabbed hold of her, examining her wrists.

"Shimizu-Senpai..." He said, looking at the bed. Shimizu hummed in response. "I might commit a mass murder." He stared at her, looking serious. Yachi pulled her boyfriend, trying to lighten the mood.

"Keiiii! It's just a few bruises and sprained fingers, no worries. I don't want you to go to jail because of this," She explained, giving one of her happy smiles, hoping to calm him down.

"I will go outside now, Tsukishima-kun, please take care of her," Shimizu said, walking out of the infirmary. Tsukishima sighed, sitting down and looking at his girlfriend worriedly.

"If I was there-" he sighed for the hundredth time, "You should have let me come with you," Tsukishima said, gripping her non bruised hand tightly. Yachi used her other hand to caress his cheek.

"Kei, I'm really fine, okay? It just feels weird when I move my fingers, but nothing painful! Promise!" She said, Tsukishima bit his bottom lip. He hesitantly grabbed her hand away from his cheek and then kissed her bruises, then her fingers. Yachi blushed hard.

"Feel better soon... okay?" He shyly said, only glancing at her. He was blushing, and Yachi almost wanted to die from happiness. Her big giant boyfriend is so soft!


"Eh? Where is Kei-kun?" She asked, looking at the gym. They all turned to her, looking guilty. She looked at everyone, wanting to know what happened.

"Uh... can you guys tell me???" She said again, they all looked away, staying silent. She frowned, what's so hard with telling her where's her boyfriend? She looked to see who she can pick to get information from, her eyes landed on Hinata.

"Hinata. Where is Tsukishima Kei?" She directed it to him, Hinata flinch and was visibly shaking.

"Oi! We shouldn't-" Asahi was going to stop the whole thing but Hinata had already confessed.

"I'm sorry Yachi-san! He's in the infirmary! He didn't want us to tell you that!" Hinata admitted. Everyone stared at him like he was going to die.

"Tsukishima isn't gonna let you go after you said that, Stupid Hinata, " Kageyama said, they turned to where their manager was, but she already dropped everything and had left to find Tsukishima.

There he was, sitting on the bed with his right arm bandaged up. Yachi almost cried at the state of her boyfriend. Tsukishima's eyes widened when he saw her at the door.


"Baka!" She said, running to him, she shakily grabbed his hurt arm.

"What happened? Everyone didn't want to tell me!" She said, her tears warning to spill. Tsukishima clicked his tongue. Yachi stared at his bandaged arm, it wasn't too bad, but he'd have to miss a couple of practices.

"I told them to not tell you, who opened their mouth?" He asked, looking at her gently. He had a soft spot for crying Yachi. Yachi bit the inner of her cheek. Looking like she was about to burst.

"You- Stupid! Why don't you want me to know!? Don't you know how worried I was when Hina- When they said you were in the infirmary!?" She said, punching him on the chest, but it really wasn't that powerful. Tsukishima grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug.

"Because I hate making you cry. And I don't want you to worry." He confessed, burying himself nearer to her. Yachi hated her boyfriend for keeping everything to himself, but she just grabbed him harder. He reminded himself that Hinata was the one who told her, he sighed, letting the orange head go. That idiot did let him see Yachi when he was hurt after all.

"Tell me next time okay? Tell me everything!" She ordered him, Tsukishima chuckled but nodded. He felt her soft body and relaxed. He wondered if he should get hurt next time, to feel this hug again. But he decided against it since he can already hug her anytime he wants.

"I promise I'll tell you." He whispered into her ears. He can get used to this.


Okay, I actually tried my hands on drawing because I really couldn't find one where Yachi or Tsukki were hurt or sick?? Anyways I think I did good, Hopefully?

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