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Tsukishima isn't one for being needy. He isn't the type to really need something. Sure, food and a night of good sleep are needed to function, but that's basically like breathing air. But needing more than the recommended portions of food or needing another hour or two of sleep even though it would pass the 9 hours of sleep recommendations is not necessary. And certainly, he does need for material things like the new iPhone or that one game everyone is so hyped about. Of course, he does have his own fair share of needs like music, a friend or two, and maybe a bit of excitement in life.

So having a girlfriend would be something at the bottom of his list. That's until now, as he stared at his girlfriend talking excitedly about their practice.

"Don't you think it's so cool how Yamaguchi can just- curve a ball way better than last year?" Yachi cheered excitedly, her eyes shimmering brighter than the stars that were above them. Tsukishima shrugged. 

"And Hinata and Kageyama perfecting their quick attack, Ukai-sensei said that it's faster and stronger than before! I'm really glad they've made up." She talked about them like it was something new she'd just found. Tsukishima started frowning a bit. How about him?

Now that caught Tsukishima by surprise... what about him? Certainly, he didn't need to impress her because he's already got the girl all to himself. So this weird and horrible feeling in his stomach was unnecessary and useless. But that thought alone didn't give him one bit of salvation. He frowned harder, he doesn't need praise from his girlfriend... He doesn't need these unwanted feelings. He doesn't need to feel jealous

"Tsukishima-kun?" Her voice startled him. He glanced down at the worried girl. "You were deep in thought. Is something bothering you?" 

Tsukishima-kun... He doesn't mind anyone calling him that, but it tied a knot onto his stomach when she says it. He doesn't want her to treat him like anyone else. He grumbles.

"It's nothing."

"It's definitely something if you're mopping and grumbling about. Tell me what's bothering you?" Yachi hit right at the spot. Tsukishima suddenly felt guilty for feeling all these negative emotions. He doesn't want her to feel like she was being a bad girlfriend.

"No, it's just," He started, he stroked her hand with his thumb. "Kei... You can call me Kei." There was a brief silence between them, just her staring at him in utter shock and surprise. But it didn't stop the smile that was forming on her lips.

"Kei... Kei-kun?" She tested out the way his name felt. Tsukishima's heart stopped. The way her voice easily rolled out his name and her cute smile when she did, it was all Tsukishima needed. He hummed.

"In that case, you can call me Hitoka, Kei-kun." 


After that small bond between them, they started getting more comfortable with just calling out their names. Their club mates were a bit shocked at first, but they quickly got used to it. But Tsukishima's tugging feeling, whenever she'd hand a bottle to one of the other guys or her tapping up someone's hand, just her with anyone, never really stopped. It instead, grew harder to ignore. 

So whenever she held a bottle to anyone, he'd already been there, snatching it away from the receiver's hand.

"Ah. Thank's hitoka. I was thirsty." 

Or whenever she'd give out a towel, that said bottle he snatched would be dumped onto his head, walking over to her and snatching it away again.

"I- Wow I needed this. Thank you." 

Of course, this whole scene was not ignored by his teammates. They would usually stare and let the scene unfold. It was shocking really, Tsukishima getting jealous or needy from the girl. He'd try so hard just getting her attention, it was kind of... cute. 

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