Feelings (1)

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Tsukishima was not the type to fall in love easily, heck, not even the type to make a lot of friends, it took him 1 year to finally get comfortable with Hinata, Kageyama, and Yachi being his friends.

So for Yamayguchi finding out that Tsukishima might or might not have a crush, it was BIG news. Well, it wasn't like Tsukishima had told him, he kinda just pieced it together during his third wheel days.


It was the start of their second year and Tsukishima was bummed out that Yamaguchi was not in his class anymore, but at least he had Yachi. Yachi was their girl manager in the volleyball club, she had yellow blonde hair with her signature blue star's hair tie. She wore a nice determined smile, a habit she got out of Hinata, he wondered just how much confidence the girl had grown to be in the club. They sat beside each other, it was a mutual agreement from both of them since they knew no one else.

"I-Is there something wrong with me Tsukishima-kun?" Yachi snapped him out of his thoughts, he silently shook his head. Yachi played with her hands, looking nervous "Then why are you staring at me?"

Tsukishima didn't know just how long he was staring at the girl, he assumed long enough to make her uncomfortable, he apologized. "I'm sorry, I was just thinking of how nice you look on the first day of school, Yachi-san."

Yachi stuttered on her words, it was rare for Tsukishima to talk without his salty comments, and even complimenting? Were pigs flying somewhere? "Thank you Tsukishima-kun! Y-you, don't look too bad yourself!" She squeaked, Tsukishima nodded and stared at the front. He thought that Yachi being beside him won't be that bad, she was smart and can even help him during English lessons. It's not a bad start to his second year.


"Yachi and Tsukishima, you have the cleaning duty today, class dismissed" The teacher called out, both Tsukishima and Yachi starred, wide-eyed. They quickly ran to the front of the class board, to their horror, their names were written there. Yachi panicked.

"Wednesdays!? We have club activities- we would barely have enough time to get there. What if we get kicked out for being late!? Worse! You won't get to go to competitions and Shimizu-senpai would be disappointed at me for not doing my duties properly AGH! We-"

"Calm down, Yachi-san. We can just tell the teacher." Tsukishima cut the girls rambling, although he panicked a little, he was the calm one out of the both of them. Yachi stopped and focused on her breathing.

"Let's just text our teammates for today and clean up, then we can go to our teacher to see if she can change our cleaning day," Tsukishima said, taking out his phone to send a quick message to Yamaguchi. Yachi nodded.

"I-I'll go get the cleaning supplies then," Yachi said, walking to the back of the class and opened the small storage cupboard. Tsukishima followed her a bit later.

So there they were, silently cleaning the desks and whiteboard, he obviously cleaned the whiteboard while she wiped the desks. Yachi still had her mind running around and coming up with situations like getting kicked out of the team or getting scolded by the teacher or even Tsukishima scolding her.

"You don't have to worry, Yachi-san." Yachi felt a poke on her cheek, she turned to Tsukishima who was now beside her. She dropped the towel and slapped her cheeks, startling Tsukishima.

"But I can't help it Tsukishima-kun! I need to have backup plans if something goes wrong- what if I go out, unprepared!? You might scold me, or even the team- or our teacher and-" He stopped by pinching her cheek. Yachi yelped at the sudden action, Tsukishima frowned and she flinched, thinking he was going to hit her or scold her.

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