strawberry slices.

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Tsukishima was popular, at least getting 1 or 2 love letters a day and his table covered in chocolates and sweets. He would just sigh and slide them away in his "treat box" ( He had to bring a box to school so that he had a place to put all the chocolates and letters he had.)

And his birthday was tomorrow. He grumbled, knowing that he'd have to bring a bigger box tomorrow. Being a captain was hard enough, but being popular was harder. Not like he wanted to be, but media and being the captain was enough to be considered "popular".

He didn't mind if girls gave him strawberry shortcakes instead of chocolates or candies. Heck if a girl found out about his love for strawberry shortcakes, he would date her right away.

He should've not thought about that at all.

He walked slowly to the gym hall, carrying the big heavy box of chocolates and Teddy bears. He wanted to share around the chocolates to his teammates, he had already given a lot to the guys in his class, even girls, but he still had a bunch more to give.

He grumbled, opening the empty. gym. He sat down and placed the box beside him. Him being captain, he always came early to set a good example to the juniors. Unlike some people * COUGH * Hinata, Kageyama * COUGH *

He got tired of waiting, so he started to set up the net. After taking out all the equipment, he heard the gym door open. He turned to see their blonde manager. Their eyes locked and a brief silence overcame them, that's until Yachi walked to him, holding up a bag.

"Tsukishima-kun! Happy-birthday!" She said, he nodded politely and took the bag, it was medium sized, just a bit bigger than his hand. The girl seemed flustered.

"I-I was going to drop it off on your desk, but there wasn't any more space! And I didn't want the cake to drop or anything, so I just figured I'd give it to you in person!" She rambled on, getting more flustered the more he stayed quiet.

Tsukishima's eyes widened, Cake? He looked down and opened the paper bag, there stood a small cake. Strawberry shortcake to be exact. Next to it was a cute dinosaur plushy.

"Y-Yachi-san..." he said in disbelief. He wanted to eat the cake right then and there, but his teammates burst open the doors, loudly going in. They both got startled. He gently placed the paper bag behind his own bag.

"Yo captain!" Hinata shouted, running to him with a present in open arms. He dodged him quickly, Hinata puffed but was used to the cold shoulder.

"I got you a new scarf since I tore your one last week!" Hinata said, throwing the present to him. He caught it and mumbled a thank you. Kageyama was next.

"Ah- I stole your jacket a while ago... here, I know you wanted this brand." He said, pushing the gift on his chest, Tsukishima coughed out a thank you.

"Tsukki! I know your brother broke your dinosaur figurine a few weeks ago- So I got you a new set!" Yamaguchi said proudly, giving him a big present.

Everyone gave him something that he could use in daily things, but all his attention was to that shortcake behind his bag. His juniors all saved up to get him those new shoes he wanted and some other things like knee guard and a volleyball pump.

He was grateful for all of their gifts, he pointed to his box of chocolates and told them they can have as many as they want. Everyone cheered and gathered around the big box.

Tsukishima couldn't wait any longer. His itchy hands grabbed the paper bag and quietly walked to their storage room. It was dark, but it was still light enough to see. He sat down on some boxes and took out the cake, he carefully took off the cake cover and smiled so brightly at the scent of strawberries. He grabbed the plastic spoon that Yachi Hitoka gracefully placed in the bag.

As soon as the cake touched his tongue, he couldn't help but smile wider. It was good, maybe it was because he had been craving for it, or maybe Yachi was really that good of a baker. Whatever it is, Tsukishima didn't care. He took bite after bite, savouring the flavor. The strawberries were sweet, but surprisingly the sponge had a hint of lemon, it was the perfect combination. He thought to himself, he could die right now and feel content.

But good things never last, with a startling open of the door, he turned around, the gym lights right on his face. There stood Yachi, dumbfounded. Tsukishima froze, his hand holding the plate, probably had the icing all over his face. He was caught red handed, he stared at her, shock and like it was the end of the world.

Yachi stared at the boy, not knowing what to do. She was silent for a while, until she snorted out a laugh, hiding her smile.

"T-Tsukishima-kun... I knew you liked Strawberry Shortcakes... But I didn't know just how much you loved them!" She chuckled, gently closing the door behind her. He relaxed his shoulders, it was just Yachi, he can eat his cake in peace. She sat down beside him, giving a bright smile.

After he finished, content and happy. He turned to her, blushing hard  "D...don't tell anyone, especially girls that I like strawberry cakes..." he said, wiping his face off of icing, he licked his thumb that was full of the sugary sweetness. Yachi grinned but nodded happily.

"Would you like some more? I made too much batter last night so I have another cake at home. My mom is on a business trip right now and I can't finish the cake all on my own." Yachi said. Tsukishima's eyes shimmered, she could tell that he was happy. He noticed he was smiling and then turned away, blushing.

" It's not like I like the Strawberry cake... that you made... I-I'll just eat it so it won't go to waste." He replied, feeling the heat on his cheeks. Yachi chuckled and nodded.

Tsukishima liked- no loved strawberry shortcakes. And maybe... Tsukishima might also like the person who gave it to him on his birthday. But thats all a secret that no one can know. At least not now, he glanced at the girl.

"Thank you for the present... I- I loved it."

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