Be my (fake) girlfriend.

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"Be my fake girlfriend,"


It was shocking, Yachi did not know she'd get asked out by her crush to fake date him. Should she be happy or sad? Her cheeks flushed. The male in front of him looked serious.

"W-why me, Kei-kun?" Yachi asked after much hesitation. Tsukishima sighed, looking tired as ever.

"There's just too many girls trying to confess to me, it's annoying," His eyes darkened, Yachi remembered the many failed attempts of girls trying to confess to him, not like she wanted to stalk him, she just happens to be there whenever he gets confessed to.

She remembers the flooded bench and practically chocolates and candies every single day from fangirls and Tsukishima looking tired and drained. It was their second college year and the reporters just so happened to put him in the front page of the sports magazine last week. Not only did he get annoying bickering from Hinata and his seniors, (How the heck did Hinata even know!? He was in Brazil for Goodness sakes!) he also had to deal with girls that started popping up in his school life.

Yachi bit her lip, thinking about it. This might be the only time she'll be close to, or as close to Tsukishima and being his 'girlfriend'. Will she really waste this opportunity? Hell no.

"If... If you're okay with me, then yeah," She muttered, not daring to look at him. She did glance at him though, he looked happy. Her heart warmed, as long as he's happy, she's happy.

"Uhm, so what do couples usually do?" She asked, other than crushes, she has never really gotten a boyfriend for herself. Besides, she'd usually bury down her feelings for her crushes until they disappear, not like that helped her with the lingering feelings for the tall male though. Tsukishima frowned, thinking.

"Holding hands? And maybe eating together, I'm not so sure myself," Yachi was glad that Tsukishima was on the same boat as her. They both were new to this dating- er, fake dating. Yachi took a mental note that this was all fake, not real.

"Ah- maybe come to practice tomorrow! We need to show them that we are together," Tsukishima suggested, his eyes lighting up. Yachi laughed and nodded.

It was a weird feeling, discussing how to look like a couple, but Yachi certainly wasn't complaining, in fact, she was enjoying it.

"U-uhm sure! Your practice is late afternoon, right? I'll make you a light bento meal then!" Yachi added, taking out her phone to take a note down on what to buy later. Tsukishima grinned.

"Thank you, Hitoka," He patted her head. It had become a habit since high school. She chuckled and nodded.

And that settled it. Yachi officially- unofficially became his (fake) girlfriend.


"Hey- hey, look! who's that?" A girl muttered from one of the seats. They glanced at Yachi who held a warm Bento box covered with a cute green cloth to match the team jersey. She was looking around and finally found Tsukishima, who was already running to her.

"Kei!" She exclaimed happily. Tsukishima, who returned her energy, gave a big hug.

"Hitoka, you came early," He said, patting her head. Yachi only smiled and handed him the bento.

"Here, I hope it isn't too heavy of a meal. It has a balanced meal and extra energy food!" She explained. Tsukishima felt the warm bento in his hands. He leaned close to her, making it look like a peck on the cheek.

"Thank you, Hitoka, I think they are getting the idea of us," Tsukishima had been glancing at the small group of girls on the seats above. He was particularly happy to see some running or crying away.

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