winter date (extra)

906 40 3

Sugawara had met up with Kageyama and Hinata while they were walking to the station.

"Ah! You guys are early!" Sugawara said, Hinata grinned and nodded. Kageyama silently nodded too. They were walking, just talking about school when they heard a loud voice.

"TANAKA!!!!" Noya shouted running to the man. Sugawara, Hinata, and Kageyama looked at the scene, watching the shorter boy jump as high as he could. Tanaka turned, arms wide open.

"Oi! You might get hurt!" Daichi shouted from behind.

"Looks like everyone is already arriving.." Asahi was behind Daichi, laughing nervously.

"Ah... They're loud as always... I didn't have to look around to find you guys." Ennoshita called out, behind him was Narita and Kinoshita. Everyone was there.

"Shh, look at Tsukishima and Yachi-san." Shimizu suddenly called out, pointing at the two who nervously talked to each other. Everyone looked at each other, grinning.

"Hey, Daichi-san... I have an idea." Yamaguchi said, grinning. He quickly sent a text to Tsukishima.

"What is it!? I wanna know!" Hinata cheered, everyone, turned to the boy, sighing.

"Pass me your phone Hinata." Yamaguchi said, he sends a text message to Yachi, downloaded a picture from searching up "a wall of snow" and picked the most realistic one.

"Ah..." Daichi said, looking at the texts. They had a brilliant idea.


"NOYA!" Tanaka shouted, pulling the short male back to the group.

"We must not get caught!" Sugawara said, pulling Hinata down.

"We almost got caught! Everyone duck!" Daichi said, noticing Tsukishima's eyes looking around. Everyone ducked, a lot of people stared at them weirdly but they didn't care.

"Are we safe?" Yamaguchi asked, peeking a bit. Shimizu has already stood up straight, taking pictures of the two.

"When did you have a camera, Shimizu-san?" Asahi asked, tilting his head.

"I had it this whole time. I need to take pictures" Shimizu said, clicking her camera again and again.

"I-is that blackmail? Or just really like the two being together... I don't know anymore.." Ennoshita said, smiling nervously. Everyone followed the couple at a safe distance, stopping ever so often when they were looking around.

"Hey look! Let's get some caps to hide Hinata's thick orange hair!" Noya called out, pointing at the store. They all agreed to buy some disguises.

"Asahi- just put your hair down. They'll think you're Jesus," Daichi joked. Sugawara snorted, trying to cover his laugh.


Tanaka and Noya laughed when they heard Tsukishima lost to Yachi.

"That 4 eyes lost to a girl who never stepped foot in an arcade!" Tanaka laughed even harder.


"Awww, they're talking about what they like and dislike!" Sugawara said, proud of his baby crows. Shimizu nodded, spamming her camera with pictures.

"Hey, they're going to a dessert shop, who wants to go in next? Please press the record button this time." Daichi asked. Kinoshita and Narita agreed to go. They love recorded the conversation and almost died when Yachi fed Tsukishima the bread.

"Omg. Shimizu-"

"I got it. I recorded it." Shimizu cut them off, adjusting her camera for a better view. She got it in the perfect angle.


They finally get to eat lunch. They all discreetly walked in to sit on a table that was close enough from the two, but not so close to being seen directly. They heard their conversations about creamy pasta and dessert while they ordered their own.

"Don't you think it's weird everyone just suddenly flaked?" They got startled when they heard Tsukishima talk a bit louder. They all looked away, trying not to look suspicious.

"It's like they planned it." The flinched again, have they been caught? They all tried to ignore the stares that the blonde pair gave them.


After finally seeing the two leave, they all decided to leave as well, Daichi getting left behind to pay the bill. He caught up with them, seeing them all crowd at a window.

"S-shut up! I wanna see!" Hinata gripped Kageyama away from the window. Shimizu and Yamaguchi were the ones who went in this time.

They saw the whole interaction. Cheering Tsukishima on.

"Oh! My baby is finally making a move!" Sugawara cheered, seeing Tsukishima pin Yachi on the wall.

"They're pinky promising! THEY'RE PINKING PROMISING." Tanaka shouted excitedly, everyone nodded, their faces practically stuck on the windows. The owner glared at them but they ignored it.

Suddenly Yamaguchi and Shimizu ran out.

"Quick! Scatter and hide! They saw us!" Yamaguchi shouted, they all Scattered, trying to find a hiding place. Kageyama and Hinata found one but they fought on whoever gets it.


"Hinata boke!" Kageyama shouted, not noticing the two blondes already staring at them. Daichi hit his head on the wall repeatedly.

"These two idiots... just blew our cover!" Sugawara said, looking despaired. Shimizu still took photos.

Well, at least they helped them get more comfortable with each other.

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