Denser than a neutron star

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I'm still alive!

Hello, my readers! If there are still any left :) We truly have gone far with this book. I am still so thankful that I see readers reading these fics I made for around 1 year? 2 years? I wanted to say that I feel really all giddy inside with how many people read this. I thought this was just a one month think where I'd lose interest. But here I am, still going strong for Tsukiyachi!

*You can skip this hehe*

Honestly, I make these fics out of impulse, I like writing stories and I've been focusing on my own story during the past 3 years. I made this fanfiction dump because I love Tsukiyachi, but also to get away from my own story. I feel bad that this book became a sort of dumping ground of my idea's. I love writing these characters, but rereading my old stories made me realize how I still lack creativity. Around the time I wrote 'lucky charm' I was burning out with stories. I even took breaks in-between the stories I made. I will still do so, I have little to no motivation to write daily, even trying to finish my studies. Sorry for stress dumping here. Let's go on with the fanfic!


It occurred to me that Yachi would probably be dense to any advances from Tsukishima and Tsukishima being nonchalant at first would start getting desperate to the point where even saying he liked her still wouldn't make her realize XD It's just a cute way to think of how their relationship could develop.

Tsukishima was pretty certain of his feelings and his own body. He knew pretty much what he wanted to do with his life and would do anything to get that. He also knew that he's got a little crush on their volleyball manager, Yachi Hitoka.

It wasn't like he was a robot, he had a type since young and it hadn't really changed at all, even now. It was around where Yamaguchi started becoming his best friend.

"What kinda girls do you like, Tsuki?" The 13 year old boy asked, Tsukishima thought about it. He thought long and hard, thinking of the things he liked and didn't like. It was about time he started getting curious or at least interested.

"Short girls?" He said after a while. He frowned and thought of the many girls in their class, most of them were average height, but they were still short compared to Tsukishima though.

"Hmm- maybe... cute girls?" He was truly racking his brain trying to find his type. He pictured a cute girl with a cute hairstyle, maybe she would be tiny, at least 15 cm shorter than him, she'd have the brightest smile ever.

13 year old Tsukishima blushed at the thought. Imagining how cute it would be how his arms would wrap her whole.

The first time Tsukishima saw her was after class. This cute tiny girl carried such a big stack of papers, her eyes could barely see anything from the paper. She had bumped into him by accident.

"I-I'm sorry!" Her voice squeaked. Tsukishima flushed. The first thing he thought was 'cute'. He cleared his throat and moved to the side.

"Do you need help?" He asked her, without glancing at him, she shook her head and gave a smile.

"This is for practice! Thank you anyways!" Before he could say anything else, she was gone. Like the spring wind, her scent left his nose and as she turned the corner, she was gone.

Tsukishima wondered if she could see her around school.

He could barely contain his heart when the same girl was in front of the gym doors, trying out being their manager.

"She's cute, Tsuki~, she totally looks like your type," Yamaguchi intended to tease his friend. But once he saw Tsukishima's flushed face, he knew the dude fell. Once she left, Yamaguchi couldn't stop himself.

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