Away from home.

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Yachi stared at the empty train station, looking dead as ever. She didn't mean to run away from home, she and her mom had gotten into a real argument and out of anger, Yachi slammed her door close. Once she knew her mom was asleep or somewhere, she didn't really care, she grabbed her bag with some essential things (Power bank, wallet, an extra jacket, and some snacks) and left. It wasn't like it wasn't her fault, Yachi didn't purposely destroy her mom's work, heck she didn't even know what the poster's and supplies looked like. She was falsely accused!

She sighed and just walked around, trying to find those wifi rental bikes. She scrolled on her phone to check if there are any stores or cafes open, there weren't many but there are still some popular and crowded ones still open. She checked the time, 11 pm.

"Yachi-san?" A voice startled her, she stumbled a bit but turned to face the familiar blonde hair. his emotionless eyes stared down and her, he looked a bit amused or confused to see the anxious manager. Yachi laughed nervously and stood up straight. "What are you doing out so late?"

"A-ah... You see, Tsukishima-kun... I ran away from home," Yachi said, looking down in defeat. She doesn't exactly know why she told him that information when she could have easily lied, well not like she could take it back anyway.

"Oh... I guess we are the same," Tsukishima said, he placed his headphones on his shoulders and stopped his music from playing. Yachi stared at the boy, surprised.

"M-May I ask why you left home?" Yachi said, biting her lips nervously. Tsukishima shrugged and pouted his lips ever so slightly.

"My brother was just bothering... I just usually leave for a few hours, how about you?" Tsukishima glanced back at the girl, his golden eyes reflecting the lamp lights. Yachi frowned at the memory.

"I got into a fight with my mom, I didn't do anything wrong! Just-" Yachi sighed as her shoulders slumped down, she didn't want to think about it. It hurt her that her mom doesn't trust her enough to believe that she really didn't do it. Tsukishima seemed to feel the moody aura from the girl.

"It's dangerous for you to walk around in the night... Would you like to accompany me?" Tsukishima suggested, Yachi's eyes stared back at the male and she nodded silently. Tsukishima nodded and turned to walk away but he stopped and turned back to her, waiting for her to follow. Yachi snapped out of her thoughts and followed the boy. Why not right? It was just Tsukishima and she didn't really have any place in mind to go to.

"Where are we going exactly?" Yachi asked, walking beside Tsukishima. Tsukishima stayed silent for a while before finally speaking.

"It's a library cafe, I found it awhile ago and it was 24 hours... so whenever I snuck out, I would go there," Tsukishima finally answered. Yachi nodded silently. 

It was weird bumping into Tsukishima Kei, she would usually just see him during school and practice, maybe while waiting for the bus home, but that's on very rare occasions. They never really talked to each other unless it was school or practice related, but tonight was different, they had to talk and do things together without any real reason.

Tsukishima stopped and turned to one of the bike shelters, he spotted a rental bike. 

"We'll get there faster with a bike," He simply stated, he grabbed his phone and scanned the QR code to pay, he knew his brother would see the online payment and location, but he didn't mind or care. The lock on the bike's wheel finally unlocked and Tsukishima grabbed the handles and pulled it out to the road. He easily slipped on the seat, he turned to her and pointed at the extra seat behind. "Are you just gonna stay frozen or take a seat?" 

"A-ah! Right!" Yachi snapped out of her thoughts and sat sideways on the seat. Tsukishima still had his feet planted on the ground, he clicked his tongue.

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