Feelings (3)

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It had been 1 week, and Yachi isn't that confident about anything anymore.

1 week, for 1 whole week, Tsukishima had started acting cold towards her. At first, she thought something had happened to him which made him so distant from everyone, but then she noticed that he was only distant to her. Hinata, Kageyama, and Yamaguchi were still interacting with him, heck they looked like they were closer!

Yachi bit her lip, looking at the tall male who talked to Kageyama about some strategies during their games. He seemed normal, no he is normal.

"T-Tsukishima-kun? Do you need a refill on your bottle?" She asked, tapping on his elbow lightly. Tsukishima glanced at her and shook his head. Kageyama looked at the whole thing, feeling very awkward.

"I- Can... Hinata wait for me!" Kageyama started stepping away from them but when he noticed the orange head leaving, he took the opportunity to get out of there too. Tsukishima clicked his tongue, annoyed that The King left him.

"Uh Tsu-"

"It's fine, Yachi-san. Here, I'm going to the toilet." Tsukishima gave her his bottle and started leaving for the toilet. It was just an excuse to leave her and avoid any sort of interaction. It hurt like hell and if he ever turned back to look at her, he might just crumble.

Yachi pouted, looking at his bottle and sighed. She didn't quite understand why he was so cold to her. Maybe it's revenge from all the horrible things she did to him too, or maybe she was too annoying and Tsukishima probably got tired of talking to her. Maybe he was just being nice since she was the only one in his class.

Yachi blinked away her glossy eyes and started walking to the collected bottles. She shouldn't cry now, that'll just be such a weak move and everyone would have to concern over her. She silently grabbed the basket of bottles and started heading out to refill them.


During classes, he'd be a little less cold. He would actually talk to her, just a bit. But it would usually be school-related, maybe for homework or an assignment. Yachi was happy that he still saw some use of her. She didn't care if she was someone that he saw as a tool, rather, she was just happy that he still talked to her.

No matter how cold he is, Yachi will still try to talk to him, befriend him. It's selfish and it's probably annoying him, but she just can't help it.

"Tsukishima-kun, there's a pair project and I was wondering if-"

"You can partner someone else, Yachi-san. We should try to interact with our other classmates." Tsukishima cut her off, staring at her coldly before turning back to his whole class staring at him.

"Ah, no... Tsukishima-kun, we all have partners already. Just partner Yachi-san," one girl in his class said, the rest nodded and turned away. They knew the situation because of their gossip skills (and they might have blackmailed Yamaguchi to at least tell them if they're fighting or not.)

Yachi laughed nervously. "I-I guess it's already decided huh?"



Yamaguchi silently stared at his friend, who had been frowning harder and harder by the minute.

"Are you just gonna frown or tell me why you're frowning?" He asked, Tsukishima clicked his tongue.

"We are partnered up for a pair project." He stated, Yamaguchi, nodded, not the least bit concerned.

"So... what are you gonna do? Avoid her for the rest of the time?"

"If I get the opportunity to, I would. But it seems like our classmates are purposefully trying to push us together, which is annoying." Tsukishima grumbled, slumping his shoulders. Yamaguchi shrugged, he may have some part of it, but he won't tell Tsukishima that.

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