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Hello my friends!

You may wonder where have I been? Or if this book is discontinued? Or when will I release a new one shot?

Well, I'll answer them now!

For anyone wondering where I have been, I'm busy with applying for my college's. Right at this moment I have been working hard to finish my portfolio and get ready for my interviews. It's been nerve-wracking because the course I'm applying for is horribly competitive.

As for updates on this fanfiction, I do have a few oneshots ready and finished, but I just need to edit them.

Once my college interviews are done, I'll get back to my writing! I'm sorry if it takes long, the process of interviews  now with covid is long and painfully hard to do. I'll try my best to hurry!

That's it from me, I hope I get into the college I want 🤧


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