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Before I finally get the last chapter for feelings, I have a short fluff for you guys! I was frustrated with the long story I was writing and I needed a new thing to work on, so it's just a random set I made up. the last chapter for feelings would be up in a few days. I might take a week's break? just after completing it. But then again I love writing about these two!

It was a normal day for the Karasuno volleyball players. It was the same stretching, same drills, same numbing feeling during games when the ball hit's their body. They were supposed to have a practice play against The Shinsu High school volleyball team this Friday.

"Take a 5-minute water break everyone!" Ukai Sensei called out, everyone instantly stopped and slumped down. Shimizu and Yachi started handing out the water bottles and towels. Tsukishima sighed and ran his hand through his hair, walking to the towels.

"Ah! Here, Tsukishima-kun!" He heard a small squeak, he turned to their short manager. She held out a towel and his water bottle.

"Thank you," He said, taking the things from her, their hands brushing ever so slightly that gave him a ticklish feeling. He wiped away his sweat and drank.

"Are you excited for the Friday practice, Tsukishima-kun?" The girl furthers their conversation. Tsukishima turned to her and nodded.

"Be sure to stay close to us. I heard there are some perverts there!" Sugawara commented, stepping into the conversation. Tsukishima just stayed quiet, he had heard about the rumors about the school's volleyball club. Well, he didn't really care for it since it didn't affect him, but now that they're actually going there, he had a bit of concern for their 2 managers. Nothing bad would happen to them, right?

"Haha, Shimizu-senpai would kill them if they harass Yachi-san!" Nishinoya commented. Yachi looked around and got flustered.

"I don't want to worry Shimizu-senpai," Yachi said, Tsukishima turned to her and gave a small nod, while Sugawara and Nishinoya seemed to have forgotten about their conversation with the pair. They were now arguing about how they'd beat them up.

"Okay! Get back to practice!" They all turned and happily started getting back on the court, Tsukishima muttered a thank you as he gave his water bottle to Yachi. He placed the towel in the bin with the other towels and got back to practice.


"Let's go!" Tanaka shouted, carrying Nishinoya right in the bus, Daichi shouted at them, something about safety, and everyone just walked in normally.

"Do you need help with that, Yachi-san?" Tsukishima asked, staring at the girl who was holding a heavy-looking box. She shook her head and gave a big smile.

"I can do it, Tsukishima-kun! I'm a manager, I should be able to do something as simple as this."

"Okay, just ask one of the idiots if you need anything... We- They will willingly help you with these things." Yachi gave another smile, she nodded. Tsukishima got on the bus, waiting for Yamaguchi. He came a bit later on. He looked at the scenery until the bus finally took off.

They finally arrived at Shinsu High School, They slowly got off the bus. Shimizu and Yachi carried bags and boxes.

"Shimizu-san! Let us carry at least one for you!" Tanaka said, looking giddy and happy, Nishinoya nodded beside him. Tsukishima looked at the girl who was actually struggling, he was going to help her but flinched when the other senpais came to help her. Daichi took the box and Sugawara carried the bag.

"A-ah it's fine I can carry-"

"It's okay, Yachi-san! You don't need to carry such heavy things, let the younger ones carry it for you," Daichi said, patting the girl's shoulder. Tsukishima went back to Yamaguchi who was talking to Kageyama.

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