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Tsukishima never really bothered about those silly soulmates finding that everyone is obsessed about it. What's so cool about it?

He looked down on his right hand the dark ink was barely there, the small looking fingers that just barely runs through his skin. He figured that it would be accidental, like walking on the street and a stranger's hand would barely touch his as he walked, he wouldn't even notice it and honestly, he wouldn't really care.

Even so, he would purposefully tuck his hands in his pockets whenever he walked out on the street or was careful of taking anything from anybody, papers or files, or books, he would make sure to avoid anyone touching his right hand. Maybe that's the reason why he is ambidextrous, purposely using his left hand for years might have been the cause.


It was the start of high school and he had just gotten in the Volleyball team of Karasuno. As he looked around the room, the first thing he noted down were the people he may have to touch with, it wasn't any of the other first years or the captain since he had already checked during the trial. He lowered it down to 1 person Shimizu.

He felt his heart race when the senior held out a towel to him, he could tell she was pretty, but he would rather beg God for her not to be his soulmate. Slowly but surely he grabbed it, their hands barely touching. His whole body relaxed when the black mark hadn't reacted. He was glad, but then now he was more careful, it means he still has not seen or touched his soulmates yet.

He had research about it many many times, he will try his very best to avoid anyone who can potentially be his soulmate. Many of the articles and stories about soulmate finding were during in highschool. He had to be more cautious, only limiting himself to his Volleyball members and teachers. Anyone else was a warning hazard to him.

Until the one fateful day when Yachi Hitoka met his eyes. She was small, a bit intimidated by them. She had an unsure and uneasy aura around her during the practice. She was going to be their new manager. Tsukishima's heart raced as the many possibilities ran through his mind.

He checked her face, arms, legs for any marks and there weren't any. So during a short break, he walked a bit nearer to her to check her hands. His eyes widened, He only caught a glimpse, he could barely make it out on where exactly on her hand, but she had it. He avoided her that practice... and the next, and the next. He would not risk anything even if he has to act cold towards her(which many of his teammates disagreed on.)


It was a normal day, or rather normal after practice. Tsukishima walking home with Yamaguchi.

He never expected it, no, he let his guard down.

When the familiar orange head begged him to be his tutor. He was going to decline, well he did. But he decided that the Tangerine and the King is actually essential to their team, so he agreed after Kageyama had asked for help too.

It was a sudden surprise, he didn't even know she was going. Her tiny figure opened the classroom door and her small, dainty hands were so close to his. She had a mark right on her right hand, it almost looks like his but she is probablythe one who will accidentally touch her soulmate as her fingers were black, like their hand was much bigger than hers.

He placed his hands under the desk or folded his arms to avoid any contact. But it didn't help while his mind ran through many possible encounters with the girl. She was their manager, once Shimizu is gone he would have to get his bottles and towels from her. She was teaching Hinata and Kageyama with him, what if she accidentally touch his hand while grabbing something?

He wondered if gloves would save him? Maybe it wouldn't work if there was a thick layer around his skin. But that was stupid, he had already seen it in stories on the internet about a guy accidentally touching his soulmates breast during their college year, she clearly wore a bra and at the very least, clothes, clothing will never work!

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