Slow dance.

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It was a noisy and crowded day.

It was a noisy day at their school. Well, it was the night of the prom, so it was required to be loud. The yummy looking food and the very catchy music were all part of the experience! It was going to be great.

"Prom!! YEAHHH!" Hinata shouted, bursting through the door to the crowded hall. The rest of the team also went in, happily shouting. Tanaka ran around trying to find his one and only partner to dance with, Daichi also went to that girl captain. Tsukishima clicked his tongue as he was being dragged by Yamaguchi.

"Have fun, okay Tsukki?" Yamaguchi said, before disappearing into the crowd. Tsukishima didn't like crowds, he also didn't like that everyone in his team pushed him to join, well it's the last prom before the seniors left... might as well spend it with them.

Tsukishima sighed and made his way to the crowd, he took a glance at his reflection. It was weird seeing him without glasses, his brother told him to wear contact lenses instead of the nerdy black glasses he usually wore. His mom actually did his hair; she was so happy doing his hair. And his suit wasn't that fancy, just a fairly normal suit with accents of green. He continued walking, he was taller than everyone else there, some almost the same height as him, but he had a fairly great view of anyone shorter than him. Of course, he was bound to find their small and anxious manager.

"S-Shimizu-senpai?" She called out, trying to get through the crowd. She bumped into him, almost falling down, Tsukishima instinctively grabbed her hand to balance her, having a clumsy manager made their instincts way sharper, it was kinda a win-win situation, she doesn't get hurt and they get better. He looked at the tiny body, she wore a cute light blue dress, her hair had gotten a bit longer, just on her shoulders and she had her signature blue stars pined on the side of her hair. She looked nice, he thought.

"O-Oh! Tsukishima-kun! Have you seen Shimizu-senpai?" She asked, looking at the tall male. Tsukishima glanced at her, then to the sea of crowds. He easily spotted her with Tanaka, smiling and dancing.

"Ah... You shouldn't bother her. She's with Tanaka-san... they seem to be having fun." He bent down to be heard. Yachi bit her lip. Her face showed that she didn't want to be here and for once, he agreed with her. He also didn't want to be there.

"Ah, okay... Thank you for telling me...H-have fun Tsukishima-kun!" She said, before disappearing into the crowd. He frowned, their small manager was too small for him to spot. He sighed and just walked around aimlessly. He spotted Daichi with that girl captain talking, Noya and Asahi with Yamaguchi and a girl that looked familiar. Then the bickering weird duo at the food bar, fighting about which drink is better. He sighed and ignored them, he didn't feel like talking, and honestly, his energy was draining every second he was in the crowded room.

Finally, he somehow found his way to a small opening to the balcony. He walked nearer to the railing, letting his ears rest from all the noise. He looked at the shining stars above him. Maybe he really shouldn't have come. He would still see his senpai's after this anyway and it's not like he won't ever see them after that too. He placed his elbow on the railing and rested his head on his hand, just enjoying the lonely silence.

He heard the door being open, he got startled at first, his senses alerted him and he got on guard. But his shoulders relaxed as he made eye-contact with their blonde manager. an awkward silence filled the air until their manager started to panic and bow apologetically.

"Ah- I can leave if-"

"It's fine," Tsukishima said, turning back to the scenery. He heard the door close and the gentle clicking of heels going in his direction.

"You also don't like the crowd Tsukishima-kun?" He heard her soft voice. He glanced at the girl who plastered a small smile, looking at the stars. He noticed the two cakes she held, it was his favorite, he had to resist the urge to take it.

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