Collection of fluff

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It's just some fluff I've collected over the week.



"My gosh- why is it so sunny today?" Tsukishima grumbled in frustration, the Karasuno volleyball team had come to the beach for the summer break. He watched as the other first years played with the second years. The third years all went to the nearby shop to buy umbrellas and ice-cream so that they won't die from overheating. 

Tsukishima turned to look at the ocean, he weighed down the pros and cons. Pros, he will definitely cool off under the cold waters, Cons? He'd get sandy legs later. 

He figured it's better to have sandy legs than sunburns. He started to walk to the ocean.

"W-wait, Tsukishima-kun don't move, I need you to block off the sunlight." He felt a hand grip on his wrist. He turned to see Yachi, fending off the sunlight by taking shelter behind him. She gave a cheeky grin.

"Ha!? No way! My skin is burning and it's taking forever for our seniors to get back. I'm going to swim." Tsukishima frowned, Yachi panicked and gripped his hand more.

"No! I don't want the water! Just stay here and be my shade until they come back!" Yachi said, trying to pull him back. Tsukishima grumbled, trying to tug his hand away from the girl. For such a small body, Yachi sure had a grip. 

"Let go or I'll swing my arm up!" Tsukishima warned her, looking back to stare at her angrily. Yachi frowned, her lips pouting. She knew Tsukishima could easily swing her up in the air by one hand, it happened many times when she tried pulling him into something he didn't want to do. It's normal for them already but Yachi is starting to get good at tugging his hand back down.

"No! I'll give you more sunscreen so you won't get burnt! please just stay?" Yachi gave her best puppy-eyes, which almost got Tsukishima, almost, to agree.

 With one fell swoop, Yachi felt herself getting lifted up off the ground. She shrieked, holding on to his wrist with both of her hands tighter. She frowned and struggled to pull his hand back down, that's when she noticed that Tsukishima was walking.

"W-wait why are we moving to the ocean- What are you doing, Tsukki no!" Yachi tried to tug his hand back down but hearing his menacing laugh was more than enough to know that she was screwed. Tsukishima was knee-deep in the ocean.

"The water sure feels nice Yachi-san!" Tsukishima said pulling both of them down, Yachi screamed as she felt the cold water swallow her whole. She got back up to take a deep breath. Tsukishima was laughing so hard, he was sitting down while Yachi was beside him, angrily glaring daggers at him.

"Tsukki!!" She splashed water on his face. Tsukishima stuck his tongue out, splashing water in her direction too.

"See? it feels nice right?" Tsukishima said, Yachi pouted. She hates to admit but the cold ocean felt nice against her burning skin. Tsukishima grinned harder, knowing the girl agrees.

"Shut up!" Yachi barked at him, folding her arms. 

"I didn't say anything," Tsukishima teased her, poking on her cheeks.

"Your eyes say everything!" Even though she was angry, she wasn't angry enough to pull his hand away. Tsukishima smiled and pinched her cheek, which she whined.

"Just admit that I was right."



That time of the month again?

Tsukishima was just walking home from the movie theater that Hinata, Kageyama, and Yamaguchi forced him into. He sighed tiredly as he rubbed the drowsiness in his eyes. He was almost home, he just has to take the bus back. Suddenly his phone rang.

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