Love that I never had

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Tsukishima knew he fell in love when Yachi Hitoka came into his life. And it hurts how much he cared about the girl. It may be clique but he just couldn't ignore the girl who's cute blond hair was tied with a blue stars hairband, and her shy smile when she interacted with the volleyball team. And her pretty round eyes that glanced at him, making his lungs feel tight and his chest stuffy.

"Hello, Tsukishima-kun!" Tsukishima would have fallen on the ground, gripping his heart from that sudden cuteness attack, but he held it. No, he denied having any remote feelings for the girl.

But as days passed, it began to get harder to conceal his feelings. He needed to vent it out, just anything that he could do to forget her. He sighed, not getting anywhere but yearning for more interactions with the girl.

It started with a normal school day, also ending on a normal school day. He was walking back alone, thinking through his thoughts. He was so distracted that he didn't notice the tiny body trying to get his attention.

"... shima-kun," He furrowed his eyebrows, he wondered if he just heard Yachi. He shrugged and got back to his thoughts. Well, that's when a small hand gripped his wrist, tugging him back into reality.

"Tsukishima-kun!" Yachi called out, her big bright grin that just filled Tsukishima's dark and cold heart with so much happiness. He forgot what breathing was for a moment.

"Yachi-san." He said, giving a small nod. No matter how much his heart beat, his face was rock frozen into a boring look. Yachi was already used to his unfaltering face, so she just walked beside him.

"How was your day today? you seem to also have nothing after class." Yachi asked, her cheerfulness was blinding to Tsukishima.

"Today was just normal, and yes, I've got nothing after school but to go home, How about your day, Yachi-san?" He asked, the girl who walked beside him grinned.

"Today was great, I earned a pair of movie tickets, and... well since you're free, why don't you come with me?" Yachi asked, cheekily laughing. Tsukishima, who stared blankly at the girl, got dragged along with her. Her hand tightly clung to his arm as she pulled him along to the bus stop. Tsukishima could feel his heart pounding out of his chest, the girl in front of him was innocently looking at the road, waiting for the bus to come along.

"Why me, Yachi-san?" after a long silence, Yachi finally glanced at him with a shy smile.

"W-well, my friends are all doing some extra classes. Besides, it's nice to be around you." She explained, her rosy cheeks getting redder. Tsukishima looked away, coughing awkwardly.

"R-Right..." He stuttered, he felt stuffy and clammy, he wondered when his heart would stop beating so hard, it might just pop out of his chest and run a mile. The bus finally came, they both got in, Yachi excitedly talked about the movie reviews, Tsukishima, not really caring what movie it was, just listened to her.

"Plus, it's one of my favorite genres!" Yachi said, Tsukishima, finally glancing at the movie tickets, noted that Yachi had liked a strong main lead kind of movies, plus its mystery. they got to the movie theater, the smell of popcorn and sweet's filled their lungs as they walked to the sign.

"It starts at 3, now is 2.56, let's hurry Tsukishima-kun," Yachi said, the small girl dragged him along. They showed their tickets to the booth and finally got in, they checked their numbers before finally getting into the dark room. Yachi happily sat in her seat, Tsukishima sitting beside her, the screen was showing ads before the movie.

"I'm excited, the movie reviews were good. plus not many people will come since it has been in theater for almost a month now." Yachi whispered, leaning to Tsukishima. Yachi turned to him, wondering if he listened. She froze, seeing his face so up close. His pretty eyelashes and just how clear his golden eyes were, she suddenly pushed herself back at her seat. Tsukishima, who now faced her, tilted his head.

"Are you okay, Yachi-san?" His worried face reached her eyes, Yachi couldn't be more enbarressed.

"Wha? Oh, y-yes!" She quickly muttered, looking back at the screen.

"You know, If people saw us, they'd think we're on a date," Tsukishima smirked, grinning. Although the room was dim, he could see the bright shade of red that Yachi's cheeks were.

"Huh!?" She blurted out, looking at Tsukishima Kei with such an adorably cute face, Tsukishima couldn't help but laugh.

"But, I'm sure they'd misunderstand. I wouldn't want your crushes getting angry at me." He teased her again. Yachi, who finally calmed down, frowned at him. She pouted her cheeks, which Tsukishima Kei thought was adorable, and then smacked his shoulder.

"Jeez, Tsukishima-kun, you're so mean." Yachi nagged at him, Tsukishima just shrugged.

"You're the one who fell for it." He said, they finally calmed down and the movie started. Yachi, forgetting what had happened, focused completely on the movie.

"W-what will happen next?" She whispered, more to herself than to Tsukishima. But Tsukishima Kei had heard her, he glanced at the girl, who looked so thrilled watching, he couldn't help but smile at how cute she was being. Yachi, oblivious to her actions, suddenly grabbed onto Tsukishima.

"Look, Tsuki-kun." She muttered, her smile getting brighter as the movie finally got to the plot twist. Yachi excitedly gripped onto his arm, as the plot was revealed. And her hand stayed there until the end of the movie.

"That was the best! I enjoyed it a lot, how about you Tsukishima-kun?" Yachi asked as the pair walked out of the theater and onto the mall. Tsukishima looked at the girl who was smiling brightly.

"The plot twist was very... sudden," Tsukishima said, blushing a bit as he recalled. Yachi turned to him and agreed.

"Yes! It was a plot on so well too, the reviews weren't lying when they said it held a punch." Yachi said, Tsukishima, looking at the girl who held so much passion over the movie, couldn't help but feel his chest get tighter. Her twinkling eyes and lips that curled to perfectly on her face, Tsukishima fell hard.

"I had fun, Tsukishima-kun!" She said with the brightest smile she had ever seen. Tsukishima, in a trance, blankly nodded.

Tsukishima thought he didn't need love, well, he thought he won't even find love. But as he sits there in a cafe with Yachi Hitoka, with her so happily talking about the movie they had watched. Tsukishima Kei felt a love that he never had, and it was all thanks to Yachi Hitoka, a ray of sunlight to the dark moon.

Tsukishima smiled, as he stared at the girl in front of him, whip cream on her face. If this is love, then he could live with it.

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