Fool for you

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"Maybe in another life, we'd meet again. And maybe... Just maybe we'll be lovers."

It was the last thing he said before walking out of the door of the Gym. His unwavering cold exterior and those icy cold eyes weren't what hurt me. It was his cristal clear tears that ran down his soft cheeks. His face showed no emotions, but the tears were there but it still hurt me more than any physical pain I've ever felt. He was going to reach out to me, maybe one last attempt to get a reaction out of me but he stopped himself.

The small footsteps from him were like begging me to stop him. The opening of those doors that screamed at me that it wasn't too late. And the silent thud and the empty gym told me I should have run after him. His tall back with his stupid Jersey was the last time I saw him. And everything was blurry as I felt the hot tears dripping.

Then memories flooded my mind. I remember the small soft touches he'd give, holding hands, hugging from behind, forehead kisses, deep stares, how his content smile just shines when he got me to blush. The bright smile that he showed only to me and only at me. His soothing words that just comforts me and his gentle eyes, he had deep and mysterious eyes but they were also curious observers, a single glance would make your heart flutter as he observes you like he's calculating, understanding, seeing through you. The way he would stammer when he was caught off guard, it was something I treasured. His beautiful fingers that seemed to always be warm while I tapped it or held it. Oh and just everything about him even the little things he would do just drives me into madness.

I know I can't live without him. But what can I do? The door to the Gym is closed. And I can't hear him.

So what if this life isn't meant to be for us? Why can't we just make it one?

How will I live if I can't have his kisses, his hugs, and his smiles? The way he laughs like an angel, or how he stares at you full of care and worry and love. His angry days, his moody days, and the days that feel like a perfect dream. His hands that felt so safe to be wrapped in, his soft tender touches that you just feel so happy in. his sweet words? Why can't I have all that?

"Kei!" I ran and burst open the door, looking around to find him, I have to find him-

His eyes stared into mine. His figure stood right in front of the Gym doors, his eyes filled with worry and his tears were never-ending. He looked relieved, happy even. He chuckled bitterly.

"Baka, what took you so long?" He managed to get out, his words were soft and fragile. For once he looked so weak and tiny like he could break at any second. I bit my lip as I slowly walked to him. Both our hands shaking.

"Well. At first, I was going to wait for my next life but-" I tried to joke but my voice broke. I chuckled and shakily grabbed his hands. They were warm, just how I remembered them. "But... I guess I want all of my lives to be with you."

We were both crying, our sweaty and shaking hands held each other, and our grins and our blurry visions. I couldn't care less about it because he was still here. He gripped my hands tighter.

"You're such a baby." I teased him, letting go of his hands and gently placing my hand on his cheek, wiping his tears that rolled down perfectly on his face. He chuckled but he still smiles at me, he carefully placed his hand on my hand that was caressing his cheek. his hands covered mine easily.

"But I'm a baby only to you." He whispered, leaning down. Our forehead touched and we enjoyed the moment. every moment with him is always enjoyable, even the angry ones. I sniffed.

"You're a fool, you know that? Who says that kind of line to someone you love?" I nagged at him. He still had glossy eyes while my tears still dropped. He wiped them away over and over again until I would stop.

"Well. I'm a fool for you after all." We both laughed, I smacked his shoulder gently. I might look like a mess right now, but in his eyes, he saw only me. As he caressed my cheek and leaned in for a kiss, I couldn't help but tear up more.

"Look who's the baby." He muttered before planting his lips onto mine. And my heart just wanted to burst. His soft lips that just melts onto my lips and his warmth, his hand that just pulled my waist and how his lips worked wonders onto mine. I almost felt bad for myself for being so desperate for his touch. He broke the kiss to wipe more of my tears. "Stop crying, people would think I'm a bad boyfriend."

I chuckled and nodded. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and pulled him back for a kiss.

"If It's this lifetime or the next, I want it all spent with you."


So, How you like this Angst-fluff? It's my first time trying to and it's kinda hard! As you can see by the title, I was inspired by Zayn's 'fool for you'.

I was just passing my old school and I remembered a story there about my seniors getting caught kissing behind the Gym, I just so happened to be listening to fool for you and just had a brilliant idea for a short story!

Anyways I might do another big project? But then again my attention span is like a toddler so I might end up cutting them up like my story, 'feelings'. (Seriously Feelings could have been a whole book itself but I cut out so many things because I couldn't keep track of all of the different things!)

Okay, I'll stop rambling and trying to get this to 1000 words. I'll see you soon


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