feelings (2)

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A week after that whole thing with Yamaguchi that Tsukishima would rather forget in the deepest depths of hell.

"A class trip?" Yachi whispered to the male, Tsukishima leaned closer to hear her better, a habit of his "Where do you think we will go, Tsukishima-kun?" Yachi looked at him, he shrugged.

He didn't really care much for field trips, but this will be the first time he wouldn't be with Yamaguchi. But... he didn't really mind since Yachi would be there with him. He slightly blushes at the thought he just had.

Ever since that talk with Yamaguchi, his thoughts were suddenly filled with the girl, not like he hadn't thought of her before that, but now it was just crowding his brain. Usually, he would stop himself and think about something more productive like doing work, but no matter how hard he tried, his mind would still drift back to the girl.

Schoolwork? He would think about English then it would then lead to how Yachi was good at English and then he would catch himself because he just thought about the girl again.

Volleyball? He would try thinking about his previous matches and how he should utilize his time during breaks... but then it would fall back to remembering how Yachi would give him his water bottle and towel... and that time where she couldn't get the box of the water bottle from a tall shelf, so he had to help-

See!? No matter how hard he tried, Yachi would still come to his mind. At this point, he had already accepted it and waited until his mind would stop one day. But so far, it has just been getting worse.


"You need to be in pairs while we visit the newly opened museum." Now that caught Tsukishima's attention, a museum? Heck yes. He would go every day. Then he remembered Yachi telling him about it a few days ago, and he turned to the girl.

Yachi's eyes lit up. It almost blinded Tsukishima. "Tsukishima-kun, are you excited? I am! I've wanted to visit the new museum since it opened, but with our volleyball team and me helping my mom during weekends... I didn't have time." Yachi said, sighing a bit. Tsukishima was excited, he really was, he was also very excited for the girl too. "Want to partner up? I'm still not comfortable with our new class..."

Tsukishima nodded, it's not like had any other friends besides Yachi in the class. He saw the girl lit up, maybe... he was also happy to partner her. But he will not admit that to himself, over his dead body! He had to force his lips not to curl up into a smile.


Yamaguchi grinned, staring at his friend with sparkling eyes. Tsukishima tried to ignore it but it was seriously getting on his nerves.

"Alright! Fine! I'll admit it- Stupid Yamaguchi!" Tsukishima snapped, pouting his lips as he looked away from his friend. Yamaguchi smiled even wider.

"Tsukki!!" Yamaguchi couldn't help but hug the male. He was so happy, after what.... 14? No maybe 15 years? Yamaguchi doesn't exactly know, but after so long of waiting, Tsukishima, his one, and only best friend have caught feelings. Yamaguchi was too excited, well, excited was an understatement of how happy Yamaguchi felt.

"You're making this such a big deal when it's not." But Tsukishima's heart was racing harder than ever and it didn't help that his friend was fanboying while he hugged him.

Tsukishima was a very cold person, with a cold shoulder, cold stare, cold heart. But- he still has his weakness and still has loopholes through his heart. And many people have poked holes through his gloomy exterior which he grumbly accepts. Hinata, Kageyama, Yamaguchi, and now Yachi all just threw a rock on his wall around his heart and somehow hit a weak point, making his protective walls break and fall like wooden sticks.

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