Happy family.

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10 months old

"Kei? Hoshi?" Yachi called out as she opened the door to their comfortable house. she had just come back from her job and Tsukishima was meant to be home with their cute baby girl. She dropped her bag and locked the door. She took off her shoes and walked through the hallway.

She arrived at the living room to see Hoshi sleeping beside Tsukishima who seemed to be dozing off too, dinosaur figurines and books scattered around them, the living room was basically a mess. Yachi grinned as she walked closer to them. Tsukishia mumbled something as he rubbed his eyes to check on the sleeping baby.

"I guess Kei-chan didn't do many chores today?" Yachi said, giggling. Tsukishima looked at her and smiled tiredly. He got up to hug her.

"I'm home," Yachi said, hugging him. Tsukishima nodded, patting the back of her head.

"Welcome home," Tsukishima grinned as he pulled away to give a small peck. Yachi smiled as she felt his lips on hers. Just then Hoshi started crying, startling the adults. Tsukishima turned to their child, hushing her gently. he picked her up.

"Guess my little baby want's mommy's kisses too, huh?" Tsukishima said, laughing when Hoshi had stopped crying and looked at her father with curious eyes. Yachi walked to them, giving kisses to Hoshi. She giggled at her mommy's kisses. Tsukishima sighed in content, pulling Yachi nearer to him.


3 years old.

A startling cry woke Tsukishima and Yachi up.

"Kei, it's your turn," Yachi muttered, tugging on her husband's shoulder. Tsukishima groaned in agony, but he still got up and got his glasses. He made his way to their crying toddler. Hoshi was 3 years old that year and she just got her new bed a week ago. She had been crying constantly to the new environment, although it pained them whenever she asked for her crib back, their child advisor told them not to as it can damage her mental growth if she gets things her way. So they had to endure the pain of waking up at 3 in the morning for the next few weeks.

"Hoshi, daddy's here," Tsukishima said softly, he on the cute Dinosaur lamp that Hoshi loved. They got it when they were shopping for her new bed and they decided why not get her that too.

Hoshi sat up and held her arms open for her dad, her tears streaming down. Tsukishima sat on the bed and pulled the child into a hug, humming softly to her. her tiny arms held onto his shirt.

"I want my crib back!" Hoshi whined. Tsukishima rubbed his tired eyes, it was one too many nights of waking up at 3 am. He patted the girls back in a soothing rhythm.

"You're a big girl now and big girls sleep in big beds. Aren't you a big girl?" He recited that line many times. Hoshi sniffled and whined a yes.

They stayed like that, Tsukishima humming a soft tune of Hoshi's favourite song, Beuty and the beast. After who knows how long, Hoshi had finally gotten back to sleep on his shoulder. Tsukishima gently placed the girl back on the bed and tucked her in, making sure to place her favourite bunny plushie next to her. He gave her a kiss on the forehead before heading back to Yachi.

He sighed contently when his head hit the soft pillow, he was drifting off to sleep when Yachi rubbed his back.

"Good job hubby," She muttered, her voice drowned out by the pillow covering her face. Tsukishima turned to face her, he gave a hum of appreciation when she came closer to him, her face flinching at the cold air, he pulled her in a comfortable position as her heat radiated onto him. He finally got back to sleep.


6 years old.

"Daddy! Mommy! can I go play!? Can I!?" Hoshi asked, jumping up and down and pointed at the playground. Tsukishima and Yachi looked at each other and nodded.

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